Did you know that the prunes Are they a superfood with numerous health benefits, especially for women over 45? A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food In November 2021, he points out that regularly consuming this food, common in Spain, not only helps improve total cholesterolantioxidant capacity and reduces inflammation, it also helps increase muscle massprevent osteoporosis and improve intestinal health.
Researchers examined healthy postmenopausal women and found that consuming 50 grams of prunes dailyapproximately 5-6 unitsresulted in notable improvements in various aspects of health. These benefits are due to the high nutrient density of prunes, classifying them as a true “superfood.”
In addition to the previously mentioned benefits, prunes can contribute to reduce sugar consumptionsupport weight loss, regulate blood glucose, and improve intestinal health thanks to its laxative properties and high fiber content. They can also prevent anemia by iron intake and maintain healthy bones and strong due to its richness in copper, magnesium and vitamin K.
Prunes and type 2 diabetes

Consuming prunes can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 60.8%. This is how a study published in the scientific journal BMC Nutrition & Metabolism. Despite its relatively high sugar concentration, dried fruits are rich in fiber and flavonoids, antioxidant compounds with anti-inflammatory properties that could improve insulin sensitivity.
Prunes and osteoporosis
Osteoporosis, a condition that causes loss of bone mass and densityespecially affects women after menopause. However, a study presented at the annual convention of the North American Menopause Society in October 2022 in Atlanta, USA.showed that eat five to six prunes a day can help stop the progression of osteoporosis in this group of women.
Anti-inflammatory effects of prunes

Medical News Today indicates that prunes appear to have anti-inflammatory properties that could reduce inflammatory markers and, therefore, reduce the bone density loss associated with osteoporosis. In addition, this food contains various vitamins and minerals essential for bone health, such as boron, potassium, copper, vitamin K and polyphenolsbioactive compounds that could be essential in bone formation.
Incorporating prunes into the daily diet, in the recommended amount of 50 grams (5-6 units), can be an effective strategy to improve various aspects of health and well-being, especially in postmenopausal women.
Nutritional properties of prunes
As explained from Eroski Consumerduring the drying process of fresh fruit, the water content is reduced, which causes a concentration of nutrients. Due to his high carbohydrate content Simply put, dried fruits have a high caloric value, ranging from 163 calories per 100 grams of dried plums up to 264 calories in the case of raisins.
Prunes are a excellent source of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and provitamin A (beta-carotene) and niacin or B3. During drying, vitamin C, which is found in greater quantities in fresh fruit, is lost. However, prunes remain an outstanding source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which contributes to improving intestinal transit. Calcium These foods are not absorbed as well as dairy products or other foods rich in this mineral.
beta-carotene It is converted into vitamin A in our body as needed. This vitamin is essential for vision, the health of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, bones and the proper functioning of the immune system, in addition to having antioxidant properties. Potassium is essential for the transmission and generation of nerve impulses, normal muscle activity, and water balance inside and outside the cell.
Magnesium is related to functioning of the intestine, nerves and musclesis part of the bones and teeth, improves immunity and has a mild laxative effect. As for iron, it helps transport the oxygen necessary for cellular metabolism. Finally, vitamin B3 or niacin It participates in various phases of metabolism and the use of carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids, among other substances.
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