The founder of WWF Italy Fulco Pratesi: “I wash as little as possible”
“Water is tremendously precious”: this is stated by Fulco Pratesi, founder of WWF Italy in 1966 and now its honorary president, who explains how to save a fundamental resource such as water.
Interviewed by Corriere della Sera, who is no stranger to similar advice, Pratesi reveals: “I wash as little as possible. With a sponge soaked in cold water and just a drop of soap. Face, armpits, lower parts”.
“Water is tremendously precious, in Italy everyone wastes 400 liters of it a day” adds Pratesi, who then returns to talking about the shower: “Never had one, since I played rugby, all this water falling on my head bothers me and in my opinion it makes you lose your hair, in fact I still have it nice and thick.”

Not only. The founder of WWF Italy reveals that he flushes the toilet once every three pees. And again, shampoo every 10 days and shaving once a month.
“Gorillas never wash themselves – explains Pratesi – man is nothing but a naked ape. A healthy animal doesn't stink. My poodle Robin gets a bath every three months, for beauty. No one has ever called me dirty. Human stench doesn't repel, just avoid garlic and onion. Plus I don't smoke or drink.”
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