The former president of Adif, Isabel Pardo de Vera, has declared a witness on Wednesday in the Supreme Court that former Minister José Luis Ábalos and her advisor, Koldo García, were interested in how the hiring of administrative staff in Ineco was made, the public company … Dependent of the Ministry of Transport where the woman with whom the politician had a romantic relationship, Jessica Rodríguez, ended up working in February 2019. He remained there until 2021 charging her monthly salary despite not even going to work, she said she herself in the high court.
Pardo de Vera would have affirmed that he asked about what the hiring procedure was like, through an internal website, but did no management in this regard. The former president of Adif has also said before the magistrate Leopoldo Puente, who investigates Ábalos for crimes of corruption, that the former minister and his right hand asked him about two public works contracts of the Grupo Levantina (Valencian) and Murias (Basque) companies for payments pending awarded adjudications already made. She verified that everything was good about it.
He would also have reported that he complained to Ábalos of the excessive presence of the businessman Víctor de Aldama, who allegedly paid commissions to the now deputy, for allegedly opening the doors of the Ministry so that the company he represented, management solutions, contracts to bring health material to Spain during the pandemic.
Levantina and Murias are two names of companies that appear in the List of Award of Public Works that Aldama pointed out before the instructor magistrate as proof of awards in which he could intervene or mediate in some way as a representative of different companies. In the second case, the name of the Basque company appears in the Aldama manuscripts, although crossed out.
According to legal sources present in the declaration of Pardo de Vera, the former president of Adif has collaborated in everything he knew about the matter and has marked distances with the former Minister of Transportation investigated for alleged crimes of embezzlement, bribery, influence peddling and belonging to criminal organization.
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#president #Adif #declares #Ábalos #Koldo #interested #hired #Ineco #Jessica #ended