Açai, as we all know, is a fruit of small dark purple dimensions, from the Brazilian jungle. Because of its appearance, it is very similar to blueberries and grapes. Now, It has a flavor that remembers chocolate and is usually found in the form of dust or like frozen pulp.
Among its benefits most prominentthe following should be highlighted:
- Is rich in insoluble fiberwhich allows to regulate intestinal transit, avoid constipation and improve intestinal microbiota.
- Reinforces the defenses. Its elagic acid content helps fight bacteria and viruses.
- Good dose of energy. Rich in protein, so it provides great vitality and energy.
- Diuretic. Avoid fluid retention
- It is a great fountain of calcium and of various minerals such as magnesium or iron.
- Antioxidant. Thanks to these components, it helps fight free radicals.
- Regulates cholesterol. Its antioxidant effect cited before, its fiber contribution and its high content of Omegas hinder the absorption of fats, preventing them from becoming cholesterol.
To take into account
But, so it has been viralized in recent months it is because it thinns and reduces cellulite. Apparently, it helps control Weight reduces cellulite and keeps its appearance at bay, considerably improving its appearance if it is improved with healthy eating.
Yes, and also because in a study With mice fed with a fat -rich diet, researchers have observed that those who received supplements with Açai seed extract have presented A considerable reduction in blood glucose levels and a decrease in insulin levels.
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