More and more studies relate the diet that we follow with longevity. Within this association, experts consider breakfast is the most important food of the day, since we come from night fast, and we need contribute to the body the necessary energy and nutrients To face the day, despite the fact that in Spain the vast majority breakfast little and bad (that of the coffee drunk and running to work).
A recent study, which has had as its protagonists very old (around 100 years), has shown that the vast majority of them consume a food at breakfast that could be related to their longevity. That ‘magical’ superfood is oatmealthen we will see why researchers consider that it is the key to digestive and intestinal health.
The importance of breakfast in general health

Although living more or less years, in most cases, escapes our control, there are some gestures that we can carry out to Keep our body healthy and fit. It is widely demonstrated that adequate foods at breakfast help us to live longer, although in this case the best is neither the toast (even if it is integral and mother mass), neither yogurt nor eggs: we talk about oatmeal as the queen of the first meal of the day.
Trying to keep a fast for twelve hours is a good idea to let the body recover. Then, including quality proteins and some slow absorption carbohydrate that provides us with energy also helps to take the day in the best way. But we should never forget a handful of oatmeal to round the healthy diet.
Marge Jetton, a 105 -year -old woman who has breakfast oats

A study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine Analyze the lives of several people, including a 105 -year -old woman named Marge Jetton. A key step in this woman’s morning routine is breakfast oatmeal over low heat (With nuts, dates, soy milk and a glass of praying juice).
However, there is no need for such sophisticated recipe to enjoy the benefits of oats; Simply use normal flakes and throw them to the yogurt, for example. In the words of the dietitian specialized in intestinal health Amanda Sauceda for Parade, “we can choose the preparation that we like best, I stay with A half cup portion of oats“
Why is oatmeal so good at breakfast?

Oats contains betaglucano and benefits intestinal health. On the other hand, intestinal health and longevity are more related than we might think, according to the experts of the aforementioned study.
Sauceda explains that “the intestine is connected to many areas of our body, and oats is special by betaglucano, a special type of fiber that not only has prebiot effectsbut it has also been discovered that it helps reduce bad cholesterol, which means that it is also good for the health of the heart. ”
But, in addition, “like many whole grains, oats contains a variety of Group B vitamins which are important for energy levels and good for brain health. Vitamins ‘B’, such as thiamine or folate, can have a direct impact on different parts of the health of the brain and the nervous system, and folate has been related to mood. ”From here, there are many studies that They relate longevity to the welfare state And happiness.
Thus you can drink oatmeal at breakfast

Oats, in addition to an economic product, “is the perfect vehicle to accompany other foods that contribute to longevity, such as The berries, yogurt, nuts and seeds. We can also add them to healthy foods such as eggs and vegetables. “
If we want to feel satiated for longer, nothing better than Add some protein to oatmeal, Something that will also help us better balance the blood sugar level. “A spoonful of yogurt is my favorite option because it makes oatmeal to be spongy and get an additional benefit of probiotics,” concludes the dietitian.
We must only have caution if the doctor has recommended us to reduce fiber intake, since oats contains a lot; This is something that can happen (and be contraindicated) In cases of intestinal inflammatory disease or irritable intestine syndrome.
Dan Buettner, Sam Skemp. ‘Blue Zones. Lessons from The World’s Longest Lived ‘. Study published in National Library of Medicine. Consulted online on January 31, 2025.
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