He Old Bridge of Talavera He has not supported the fury with which the Tajo ‘river’ threat ‘the town after the rains of the last weeks. One of his eyes has not supported the onslaught of the 1,023 cubic meters per second that went down the early morning of this Sunday for their channel, which keeps the second city in the province of Toledo on a red alert for a very dangerous hydrological situation.
The old bridge, declared Good of cultural interest, It is a medieval origin and has the peculiarity that its eyes are different from each other, the result of the successive constructive reforms that have been modifying its structure.
The medieval work of the Old Bridge has its origins in a previous structure of Roman era, whose work was partially reuse. The Roman bridge of Santa Catalina in the oldest in Talavera.
The mayor of Talavera de la Reina, José Julián Gregorio, reiterated to the population during the day yesterday that the situation of the Tagus “is very complicated” because the flow does not cease to increase due to the constant rains and by the unwins that are also causing a strong flood of the pool.
Video: Part of the Old Bridge of Talavera is destroyed by the force of the Tajo River
F. Franco
«Tonight is a terrible day for the history of Talavera. Our old or “Roman” bridge has just collapsed a part. A terrible water avenue for the city. Thank you that we close it for the citizen step. Today my heart as mayor suffers from this patrimonial loss of all Talaveranos, ”said the mayor in a Facebook post.
Gregorio also recalled that the Civil Protection, Local Police and Firefighters are operational to attend to any incidence and again recommended that travel and cross and walk through flood areas.
The president of Castilla-La Mancha visit Talavera is planned today and checks the damages caused by floods.
The Alberche flooded on the afternoon of this Saturday the streets of the Escinillo urbanization, very close to the urban core of Talavera.
#flood #Tagus #destroys #eyes #bridge #Talavera