If for something the meeting parody of the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council on the alleged debt to see the theoretical Minister of Finance, the Treasury Minister, María Jesús Montero acting as a puppet delegate in Madrid from Oriol Junqueras and of Puigdemontwhich seems to be its main and almost exclusive task in the government.
Because not expected ceases to be less outrageous and humiliating the new assignment of Pedro Sánchez to the independentistas Catalans To buy his permanence in the government, which he did not win at the polls, with the money of all Spaniards. A surrender more than, in this case, it supposes A fiscal coup against the Constitutionthe equality of the Spaniards and the rule of law, and an act of political and moral shame, in addition to being the first step for The Fiscal Independence of Catalonia through that alleged concert that is nothing other than the premeditated blast of the fiscal solidarity system between the territories of Spain and of equality among the Spaniards.
A CONDONATION a The letter for Catalonia that the Minister of Finance tries to disguise coffee for alland that it is neither a condonation nor responds to the minimum criteria of utility and justice because it supposes an award for the wasters and breach while penalizing good management, responsibility and service to citizens.
And it is not forgiveness because the minister and the rest of the Ministerial Park Loro lie. The debt does not disappear but changes ownership. Nothing is forgiven. It is an accounting trick through which the debt passes from autonomies to the State and 83,252 million They are allegedly conded will continue to pay the citizens of the affected communities at the rate of 1,900 euros per headwith the only difference that until now they paid it as Andalusians, Asturians, Valencians, Castilians or Galicians, and now they will do it as Spaniards, to which another tax rise awaits us such as payment to The votes of the enemies of Spain to support Sánchez.
All possibly the Catalans, because if the so -called fiscal concert is specified, which is not only Tax independenceCatalonia will stop contributing to the whole of Spain and will collect all taxes in their territory and then compensate for the State with what they deem appropriate.
A Catalonia that far from being Unsfinanced It is also one of the most benefited by the current autonomies financing system. The really undeconed communities today are Castilla-La Mancha, Murcia and the Valencian Community, while Catalonia, with 19 regional taxes, has the same financing per inhabitant as Madrid that is the only community that did not go to the relief of the Fla because it was the only one that could be financed in the markets and with 16 taxes less.
All this with the finding that Catalan debt has not improved services, the quality of life or lowering the taxes of Catalan citizens, but to pay independence onanisms with complicity for consent and submission of the submission of the Sanchismo ruler. Specifically almost a third of The 84,000 million of Catalonia’s debt With the State corresponds to expenses in exterior embassies, propaganda and other activities related to its secessionist aspirations and the chimeric Catalan Republic, which now intend to pay all.
If you really want to address the problem of Autonomous accounts The first thing to understand is that what the autonomous communities and their citizens need is not a debt to They improve financing through a system reform that corrects current imbalances. And that is the only thing that this trap agreed between Moncloa and the couples condemned from 17-O or propose or resolve. The problem is that they sell us lies and misery and there are still many who buy them.
#fiscal #coup #detat