This coming Sunday, November 3, the inaugural edition of the new Banco Mediolanum 15k Sevilla Experience popular race will be held starting at 9:00 a.m., with start and finish at the Borbolla Avenue (next to the Plaza de España). There will be a total of 1,500 runners, who have exhausted their numbers, the first to complete this new distance (15 kilometers) that expands the catalog of road athletic events in the Andalusian capital.
This Thursday the official technical t-shirt that those registered will receive thanks to the sponsorship of Banco Mediolanum was presented, with the presence of Fernando Chacón, from ALS Sport, promoter of the test; Jaime Garciaresponsible for the South Zone of Banco Mediolanum; and Javier Pontesupervisor in Seville at Banco Mediolanum.
This is the route of the test
The route, with start and finish in Borbolla Avenueis developed by Manuel Siurot, La Palmera, Paseo de las Delicias, Reyes Católicos, Plaza de la Magdalena, la Campana, el Duque, Calle Trajano, Alameda de Hércules, Resolana, Ronda de Capuchinos, María Auxiliadora, Recaredo, Menéndez Pelayo, Avenida de Carlos VEnramadilla, Avión Cuatro Vientos, Diego Martínez Barrio, José Saramago, Pilar Bardem, Felipe II and, again, La Borbolla.
Banco Mediolanum 15k Seville Experience Tour
It’s a completely flat route, with few curves and no slope, perfect for achieving great marks and different from the other great tests on the Sevillian asphalt. The 15K Seville Experience race is sponsored by Banco Mediolanum, a Spanish entity specialized in financial advice to its clients throughout all stages of their lives; with the support of ALS Sport Shop Sevilla, Covey and Skoda Cartuja Motor. In addition, it has the collaboration of the Municipal Sports Institute of the Seville City Council.
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