The story of Jared Gordon is one of those that everyone who goes through a bad time should listen to see that You can get out of everything. However deep the well in which we are, there are always alternatives. For example, the life of this athlete, who entered the drug world with only nine years. That addiction was climbing until he reached heroin, which led to him Three overdoseto be literally dead two minutes for one of them, have to traffic, live on the street and be arrested up to eight times. Even with everything, Gordon was able to overcome it to become one of the largest examples of the sport, since it now takes advantage of the focus granted by the UFC to raise awareness about drugs.
Despite what can be intuited, the problem of New York did not come from home. Unlike other individuals who begin in the world of addictions at an early age, Jared Gordon came from a structured family. The trigger to enter drugs was a sexual abuse who suffered in a camp at age nine. Moreover, years later, that rapist was caught in a child pornography network, being arrested. This event began in marijuana and alcohol at that early age. The addiction was such that at age 13 they no longer made it, so it began to consume Cocaine and Xanaxa type of benzodiazepine.
His life continues to be truncated when to pay all these substances he begins to sell them at your school. All his early adolescence was based on parties, drugs and ‘trapicheos’, but began to develop a passion for mixed martial arts (MMA). Without neglecting his bad life he began to train, having various amateur fights, in which he kneaded a good record. However, he did not get rid of one of a fighter’s greatest taras, the injuries. He suffered a very hard neck, so he also became addicted to all kinds of analgesics, who sold one of his traffickers. At 22, that same boy dies with him For an overdose, which made him enter various rehabilitation centers.
In one of the various centers he passed he managed to stay sober for 30 days, motivated to have his first professional fight. Upon receiving the money to win, he went back into the well. He spent it on drugs, starting with consume heroin and various opiates. Here the darkest chapter of his life would begin, with up to eight arrests and three overdose. To earn money he decided with a friend to assault a house, where they were caught and sent to provisional prison until he got money for the bond. Luckily, they stole a trafficker, so he did not appear at the trial, avoiding the conviction. When leaving jail he went to get high and gave him his first overdose.
Background to get out
All this happened in Florida, where he had moved. Upon returning to New York he had to live as beggarasking for money on the street for drugs. In parallel to his chaotic condition, he continued fighting. So much so that he enrolled in a tournament in Mexico for a prize of 100 thousand dollars. However, after winning his four clashes and proclaiming himself champion, he was not given the corresponding amount, the map company disappearing. This caused a fire to start in it, motivated to get to the UFC and get more money. Even so, he continued with his addictions until he reached a critical point. The Christmas day of 2015 had another overdose, the third in his life. But this time it was even worse, since it was literally dead for two minutes. Aware once and for all of the seriousness of the situation, he decided to enter again, remaining clean to this day.
Already focused on his career of MMA, he achieved what was promised long ago, to reach the UFC. With a 12-1 he was able to reach the company in 2017. Although inside he has not had a career of pure success, having a variety of results, he only arrives at the cusp of the MMA fighters. And it still has more merit by taking into account its past and as it came out of the streets and drug addiction to fight in the company with the highest level on the planet. In addition, it takes advantage of the great focus that UFC offers to transmit their history and raise awareness among peoples so that they do not go through the same as him. This Saturday will have a new opportunity to do it against Mashrabjon Ruziboev.
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