The book to the father came out. If Emilio Lara, a doctor in Anthropology and a degree in Humanities, is a polyhedral author, his new work follows Estela. ‘The fangs of heaven’ It could be defined as a historical analysis of the happy arcadias that the human being wanted to forge for centuries, but would mean with a corset too tight.
For its pages they also parade philosophy, cinema, music, literature … even the trips that have marked the jienense for three decades; The time you need to manufacture the perfect cocktail. And not because of slowness in writing, because it has more than a dozen works behind him, but because, so far, he did not feel prepared to shape him.
Throughout almost half a thousand pages, the teacher travels the utopias that have marked our past. Idyllic societies that promised their followers a life away from oppression and a separate paradise from earthly problems, but that, most of the time, ended in disaster. That is why the title, because even the sky can take a bite. Examples that sound to all of them by tens: communism -a “political religion” of stone cardboard-, Nazism …

Emilio Lara -
Ariel -
2025 -
448 -
26 euros
Nor does it obviate as many less popular such as that of the Anabaptists of Münster, some fundamentalists who prophesied the second coming of Jesus and enchanted until they were defeated. The maxim, Lara insists, is that the utopias have been the chronicle of a death announced that, in the cases of Plato or Tomás Moro, they stayed in the intellectual, but that crashed when they passed to the material world.
However, Lara does not declare itself pessimistic, his is realism, the truth that is felt. Proof of this is that his work also includes the only utopia without wolf teeth. “There has only been one that has worked in history: the Jesuit missions of Paraguay.” It occurred in Spanish America -where if not? -, and it was the exception that confirmed the rule for one reason: it did not follow the scheme of its older sisters. «He did not have an intellectual father and it was an ideality with a high pragmatism. That caused it to extend for two centuries, ”explains the author.
But the book goes beyond Maniqueism -good and bad; successes and failures- and of the recurring enumeration of unconnected cases. Despite being sectioned at different times to favor reading, ‘The fangs of the sky’ reads as a whole. Each of the utopias that analyzes is a link that allows Lara to list a series of common characteristics. All this, explained with a language for all audiences. Because, as the same writer maintains, “boredom is a crime against Majesty and a moral sin” that knows that the reader will not forgive him.
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