28.34% of ERC members voted in the first hour of the internal elections being held this Saturday by Esquerra Republicana to elect the party’s new executive. A total of 8,032 ERC militants are called to vote this Saturday electronically for a new party leadership, with two options on the table: Militància Decidim, with Oriol Junqueras as presidential candidate, or Nova Esquerra Nacional, which has Xavier Godàs as presidential candidate. headliner.
This will be the second round of these internal elections, after Junqueras failed to exceed 50 percent of the votes on November 30, which would have resolved the contest that same day.
The vote, as reported by the party, began without incident at 9:00 a.m. and, one hour later, a total of 2,276 members had already cast their vote, representing 28.34%. In the first round of these elections, at the same time 22.47% of the census had voted. This is the third time that ERC members vote electronically – it was already the case in 2019 and 2022 – in a process of this type.
The results of this vote will be communicated from the party headquarters starting at 8:00 p.m. The direction that ERC takes from today will be decisive, since this formation has in one hand the key to the governability of Catalonia and, in the other, seven key votes in Congress to support the Government of Pedro Sánchez.
The Republicans must also decide whether to become part of the municipal government of Barcelona. The election of the new leadership is part of the party’s 30th national congress, which will not conclude until March – at the latest – since the executive that leaves the polls today must propose a new political and strategic roadmap that will not be submitted to validation until then.
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