Turmeric, as we all know, is a plant that grows in Asia and Central America. Although this spice has been used for hundreds of years for cooking, it is also known for its medicinal properties within traditional medicine in the India and China.
orange in colorit should be noted that can be consumed in various ways, especially since it is available as spice and as a supplement. Yes indeed, The most common way to use it is through recipes in different dishes, but the options are very wide.
Between its propertiesit is worth highlighting the following:
- Improves immune function. It may improve immune function with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties.
- Reduces arthritis symptoms. As an anti-inflammatory, curcumin can help reduce the most common symptoms of arthritis.
- Helps reduce cardiovascular complications. Curcumin has beneficial properties for heart health, since it acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
- Prevents and treats cancer. One of the most clinically established therapeutic properties of curcumin is its anti-cancer action.
- Protects against liver damage and gallstones. Curcumin may protect against liver damage.
- Helps weight loss. Among other things, it helps reduce leptin, which is a hormone that regulates appetite and fat storage in the body.
- Relieves pain. It is an analgesic that works, bridging the gap, like ibuprofen.
- Fight stomach pain. Yes, and it also calms acidity and prevents intestinal colic.
- Improve memory. Helps combat age-related memory disorders.
- Contributes to liver drainage and eliminates stones in the kidney or gallbladder.
To take into account
Given this panorama, there are many spanish men and women who wonder what happens if you take turmeric every day. Well, according to several studies, moderate consumption of turmeric does not appear to pose a significant risk to kidney health in the general population.
Instead, Excessive consumption can have negative consequences, especially in people prone to kidney stone formation.. It appears to contain oxalates, compounds that in large quantities could increase the risk of developing kidney stones.
It should be noted that the creation of kidney stones is a very painful condition that involves the buildup of crystals in the kidneys. Despite the relationship between turmeric consumption and kidney stones is not establishedcertain people may be more susceptible to this risk.
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