The tartar, also called calculation, appears as a consequence of the accumulation (and hardening) of the bacterial plaque, that film that is deposited on the teeth and that contains remains of saliva, food, bacteria and dead cells. If we do not eliminate it at the time, that tartar solidifies. According to him 2024 dental institute barometerin Spain we value oral health, almost at the same level as physical health and a little below mental health.
From the presence of tartar, it can cause tooth decay, gingivitis and halitosisnot to mention the aesthetic problem. The good news is that there is a very effective home remedy to eliminate it, in a timely manner in case of necessity, with a food product that we all have at home in a regular basis.
This is the drink that, with water, would help eliminate tartar

Although we have heard that lemon is a beneficial seasoning for many functions of the organism while damaging the dental enamel if we keep it in the mouth too long and in a large concentration, it is the lemon juice precisely the drink that I could save us from the tartar.
The lemon, which presents a characteristic acid taste, is loaded with antibacterial properties. And what is tartar? A great accumulation of bacteria between the teeth. Therefore, some experts point to this product as an alleged ally in the elimination of the accumulated plate.
Of course, when going to make use of this homemade trick, in a phase of scientific research through the study published in the Oral Hygiene Journal Journal of Oral Hygiene, we must strive that the lemon juice does not directly contact the lemon juice directly With the teeth, but dissolved in water (150 ml of water for each half lemon squeezed). Another interesting option is, prepared this solution, introduce the toothbrush and then brush softly.
The importance of rinsing after lemon juice

The aforementioned study shows that lemon can act against some oral bacteria, although it also warns of the need to, after the soft brushing, rinse very well with water, to eliminate the acidity that could compromise the dental enamel, when eroding.
Thus, in favor of the reduced lemon juice to prevent the formation of much of the bacterial plaque turned into tartar there are the studies that mention their power against the bacteria present in the mouth, while their Ability to dissolve mineral deposits of that plate, facilitating its elimination.
Regarding the possibility of enamel erosion, we must keep in mind that lemon acidity, if used excessively or prolonged in time, could leave Unprotected to Dental Enamel Faced with possible caries or other infections. In addition, the use of this product inappropriate can increase dental sensitivity. When experts talk about their benefits, they refer fundamentally to the prevention of tartar formation, although it could also contribute (something) in its elimination once formed.
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