It resurrects the dream of joining Spain and Morocco. Two new viability studies, an increasing economic injection and new contacts with Rabat promotes a project that was in ‘Stand By’. A simple challenge has been launched, there are 14 kilometers that separates both countries in the area of the Gibraltar Strait. So close, but at the same time so far. It seems short distance, but in reality it is an abyss of technical challenges and a test for the brightest minds of engineering.
“A pioneering project, superior to what has been done anywhere in the world,” says Claudio Olalla, a professor emeritus in land engineering, of the UPM road school. The work is titanic, but its realization could transform two continents. Spain would become the main door of Europe, «as well as Morocco would somehow would be the Puerta de Africa. And both would have historical connotations of the first order, ”says José Vericat, principal researcher for the Middle East and North Africa of the Royal Institute Elcano.
The story of this tunnel is condemned to be «to the limit of existing technology. As when the heart transplant was raised. But, despite that, it began and got, ”says Olalla who was involved in the project. And the truth is that this dream is or not possible, it refuses to give its arm to twist. The verdict is that the challenge has been accepted.
Incognita terra
The idea comes from afar. In 1872, the engineer Charles de Villadeuil raised her in full hangover of the opening of the Suez Canal. After ruling out the proposals of a floating tunnel, a bridge or even a giant dam in the Strait, above which the rolled and rail traffic would pass, only the tunnel remained. And while we can find precedents of large tunnels, such as the Eurotunnel between the United Kingdom and France, with more than 40 meters deep, or that of Japan, the Seikan, which reaches 100 meters, this time we speak of more than 300 meters. Water pressure or hydraulic gradient at that depth is to move in unknown territory.

Gibraltar Strait section showing an initial project of three tunnels
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To which the seismic activity of the area, the currents and an irregular seabed is joined. But above all, for Olalla, the other great obstacle is the mediocre quality of the soils involved. The properties of the narrow land are not good to resist the construction of a tunnel. «You have never worked under these conditions. We are at the limit of what we know, ”explains Olalla.
Hence, before such complexity, it has gone from talking about three tunnels, two for transport of goods and passengers, and a third for safety and maintenance services, only one for goods. Likewise, the shortest route was discarded, known as the 14 -kilometer canyon, but with a depth of 800 meters. And the threshold was chosen, 300 meters deep. The chosen layout would have 42 kilometers, of which 27.7 would run under the sea and 11 kilometers would be a tunnel underground. In total, 38.7 kilometers between Punta Paloma, in Tarifa, to Punta Malabata, in the Bay of Tangier. Now, getting the solution to this apparent quadrature of the circle in full narrow would be “the real milestone,” says Olalla.

The two route options and their characteristics
This project would make history of several ways since the size of its implications are not precisely modest. After all, the Strait is a shortcut from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean that allows you to reach the Suez Canal. Without this alternative we would have to circumnave a part of Africa or make a trip through the Pacific.
Qualitative jump
The IEEE indicates that the Strait of Gibraltar is crossing more than 120,000 ships of different classes annually, it is approximately 50% of the world maritime trade, including the third part of gas and oil. And this fixed communication or underground tunnel has been promoted that it would allow the transit of more than 13 million tons of goods and 12.8 million passengers per year, according to ‘The Telegraph’. «We talk about a qualitative leap in the ability to promote and facilitate the movement of goods. With an almost immediate connection, ”says Vericat.
It would favor the integration of the rail networks of Europe and the Maghreb, with connections between the Madrid capital, Rabat or Paris. And the journey could last just over 30 minutes, ‘Newsweek’ stands out. When, for example, the trip between Casablanca and Madrid takes up to 12 hours by road and two hours by plane.
In addition, “it would strengthen cooperation between the EU and North Africa,” adds Daniela Serban, director of the Master in International Security Management of the Comillas Pontifical University. Promoting tourism and business creation. A third change that would make investors see with new eyes the strategic importance of the Gibraltar Strait on global transport routes.
A double bet
However, this project has not been easy. The original idea was recovered in 1979. A year later, the Spanish Society for Fixed Communication through the Strait of Gibraltar (drysa) and the «Société Nationale d´études du déroit de Gibraltar» (Sned), in Morocco to study its viability. He had his most and less over decades, because “this work has been a barometer of relations between the two countries over time,” says Vericat. But in 2024 he received a new Government’s trust injection, with 2.7 million euros of subsidy, plus another 2 million of the EU. And the commission of two viability studies.
Spain moved file and informed the Moroccan government of the interest of companies in participating in the construction of the tunnel. What would be a supply, because as a report from drysa recalls despite the fact that Spain’s exports to Morocco grew by 92%, as well as imports, there is still a real integration of the economies of the two shores of the Western Mediterranean.
In addition, this work would favor immigration management and security for the EU. This is relevant, today more than ever for Vericat, given the serious problem in Europe with illegal immigration and the inequality between both sides of the Strait. «Causing the rise of the most radical political parties. And although this tunnel is not the panacea, it is known that the most lasting way of solving migratory movements is economic development in countries of origin, ”says Vericat.
And that also applies to that hotbed that can be the Sahel area if it continues with an instability that can end up affecting Europe, in general, already Spain in particular. For both countries this tunnel would be a ‘win-win’ and open a new chapter in their relationships. Moreover, at a time when Morocco wants to project himself as the leading country of the African continent to the world. Not surprisingly, he already has very good relations with Donald Trump. «And this tunnel constitutes one of the three major economic projects in which it is immersed. He also works in a gas pipeline with Nigeria that would supply Europe and in the Atlantic initiative, which wants to provide Sahel countries with a maritime departure, ”says Vericat.
Russian forces are now deployed next to withdrawing us troops in niamey. This Supports CTP’s Assessment that Russian Troops Will Also Backfill The Us Base In Northern Niger, Which Will Create Several Long-Term Opportunities for The Kremlin To Strategically Thread Europe. 1/9
– Critical Threats (@criticalthread) May 3, 2024
The most optimistic dates that are handled so that the tunnel is ready speak of 2040 or 2030. But the technicians question them. However, the revulsive of the World Cup that will be held in five years can give it a push. “The World Cups, historically, and nobody knows better than Spain, they can assume a whole transformation,” says Vericat.
Pending subject
However, it should be noted that the one that this tunnel was lying so much time is also due to the fact that Spain has disregarded North Africa. While China or Russia have seen it clear. «Africa has enormous potential of human capital and natural resources. Europe has lived back to this, and this tunnel would be a great concealer of this pending subject. Where the gap between the north and south of the Mediterranean has been a challenge and a failure, ”says Vericat.
Hence the importance of this pharaonic project. Despite the difficulties and waiting times, when ideas are ahead of the technical possibilities of their time, innovation enters the scene. It is then when the unlikely can become possible.
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