The death of the last great templar and curse to a king and a Pope who was fulfilled

March 18, 1314 Jacques de Molay I was burned alive in front of the Notre Dame from Paris. The last great master of the Knights Templar began his legend, which would be forged not only for his successful campaigns, but also by a curse that he launched before he died, and which was fulfilled in a short time.

Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master Templar

Jacques de Molay is one of the characters that appear in the starting sequence in one of the series video games Assassin’s Creedin which the assault on the strength of the Temple is fiction, as well as the subsequent death in the bonfire, in which the famous curse would be given of what was the last great master of the order.

A character of popular culture as the last great representative of those known as Templar, and whose history made him derive in legend. Born around 1245 in Molayin the Franco County of Burgundy, in 1265 he entered the order of the Temple, where he would become one of his main characters.

In 1298, Jacques de Molay He would enter Jerusalem And he would defeat the then Sultan of Egypt and also undertake a raid towards Alexandria, and then stay at the gates of recovering Tartus, on the coast of the current Syria.

The conspiracy against the Templars

With the expulsion of the Jews of France in 1306, the course of the Templar would change, who became a public enemy after being pointed from the leaders for the ruin of the kingdom. The fact was that the king Felipe IV He had asked for several loans to the order and could not return them, and they were used as a scapegoat.

Thus, the king himself accused the Templars of a little Christian behavior and the following was to destroy the order of the temper, with whose objective he created a plan with his allies, his real advisor Guillaume de Nogaret and his real confessor, Guillem Imbert. In 1307 they arrested Jacques de Molay and the rest of the gentlemen accused of sacrilege.

After passing through strong torture, Jacques de Molay recognized the charges of which he was accused, although he later retracted, no longer served and in 1314 the death was fulfilled in the bonfire for which he would be the last great master of the Templars.

Before death, Jacques de Molay launched a curse against the culprits of the conspiracy that had cost her life and dismantled the order to which she belonged. The surprise is that it was fulfilled, because the Pope Clemente v He died just a few weeks later, on April 20, 1314 and a few months later, on November 29 the French King Felipe IV did, in a hunting accident, and also Guillaume de Nogaret fruit of a poisoning.

#death #great #templar #curse #king #Pope #fulfilled

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