New year, new job? Thousands of people consider this every year in Spain, especially if they have been preparing to take the exam for some time. The beginning of a new year is usually the time when the Official State Gazette (BOE) publishes new calls for oppositions for public positions.
We review the main selection processes, which offer thousands of places in hundreds of currently open calls. All offers can be consulted in the BOE or, more simply and directly, in this public job seeker.
1,250 places for the Administrative Body of the Social Security Administration
Published in the BOE at the end of Decemberthis call launched by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration offers 1,250 places for entry into the Administrative Body of the Social Security Administration through the free access system, and 670 places for entry into the Administrative Body of the Administration of Social Security through the internal promotion system.
Of the total number of places called by the free access system, 100 will be reserved to be covered by those who have the legal status of people with disabilities with a degree equal to or greater than 33%.
Of the total number of places called by the internal promotion system, 54 will be reserved to be filled by those who have the legal status of people with disabilities with a degree equal to or greater than 33%.
To access these positions, it is necessary to have a Bachelor’s degree, Technician or equivalent, and The registration period is until 01/30/2025.
855 places for the Procedural and Administrative Processing Body, among others
The Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts calls Selective processes to cover by free shift and selective opposition system:
– Procedural and Administrative Management Body: 731 positions.
– Procedural and Administrative Processing Body: 855 places.
– Judicial Assistance Corps: 726 places.
Of the total of these places, people with disabilities with a degree equal to or greater than 33% are reserved to be covered by the reserve quota.
For the Procedural and Administrative Management Corps it is necessary to have a Bachelor’s Degree, Graduate, University Diploma, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or equivalent, while for the Procedural and Administrative Processing Corps you must have a Baccalaureate degree or equivalent and to For the Judicial Assistance Corps, it is necessary to possess the title of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education or equivalent. He registration period ends on 01/21/2025.
851 places for the General Administrative Body of the State Administration
The Ministry of Finance opens selective processes to cover 851 positions through the free access system, and 443 places through the internal promotion system, of entry into the General Administrative Body of the State Administration, specialty of Public Treasury Agents.
The required qualification is a Bachelor’s or Technician’s degree, and the registration period ends on January 28 of this year.
539 places for the General Auxiliary Body of the State Administration
The Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Service calls for selective processes to cover a total of 539 places for the General Auxiliary Body of the State Administration, within a larger package of calls in other Bodies and Scales of the General Administration of the State.
Of these, 51 places are reserved to be filled by people with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.
To access the General Auxiliary Corps it is necessary to have the title of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education. Registration period ends next January 21st.
160 places for the Corps of Agents of the Customs Surveillance Service
The Ministry of Finance calls for the selection process to enter, through the general system of free access, into the Corps of Agents of the Customs Surveillance Service, with the specialties of Investigation –160 places– and Maritime –50 places–.
To apply for the Maritime specialty it is necessary to have the professional title of Sailor (Deck, Machinery or Fisherman), while for the Research specialty you only need to have the Bachelor’s or Technician title. The registration period is until January 28 of this year.
#BOE #publishes #oppositions #January #thousands #places