“It rains on wet.” That is the problem that Andalusia is now facing, especially the provinces of Huelva, Sevilla, Córdoba and Cádiz, with the arrival of the New Borrasca Martinho, who will hit the south of Spain with special force from this Thursday and until, at least, Sunday. Given the possible effects of the temporal, the Board has already prepared to protect the most risky areas.
This was detailed by the Minister of the Presidency, Antonio Sanz, after the meeting of analysis and coordination of the emergency plan for the risk of floods at the headquarters of the 112 Andalusia, who was chaired by Juanma Moreno, who advocated the “coordination and prudence.” And this after the last storm has claimed the life of Fernando and María, a marriage of about 60 years of Constantine who died on Tuesday When dragging by a stream in your vehicle. After finding the woman’s body on Tuesday, firefighters located on Wednesday that of the man, which was on the base of the car in which they were traveling.
The Body of the man in about 70 years who had disappeared in Añar (Córdoba) When on Monday he went for a bicycle ride. Although there is still no official confirmation, the main hypothesis is that his death has also been a consequence of the storm.
The counselor Sanz explained that the Board has activated two special plans for possible floods in the Sevillian towns of Cantillana and El Palmar de Troyawhere on Wednesday an advanced command post (PMA) has been installed and several homes have already been preventively evicted, without new actions of this type are discarded.
Meanwhile, the mayor of Seville Capital, José Luis Sanz, explained that on Tuesday night he had been “quiet” and “without incident”, although the Guadalquivir River, which came to be on a red alert, continued to go down with “a lot of water” due to the unrest of some swamps. In this regard, the councilor said he is planned that the river can grow up to five metersAlthough he recalled that the Triana Vega Defense Wall, which closed on Tuesday for the first time in its history, has a level of 8.5 meters. A decision that, according to the Board, was “very important” for the protection of the city.
This Wednesday there was still A dozen rivers of the Guadalquivir basin with a red level riskin addition to several cut roads, although the AP-4 between Seville and Cádiz, which came to be cut by water rafts, it has already been able to reopen at all.
The Board insisted that the risk, despite the last two days of respite that water has given in the community, remains “Very high” and that the “threat situation has not ceased in any case”so he reiterated that unnecessary displacements are not made and, above all, it is avoided to pass through streams, fords and channels, even if they are empty, because they can be immediately flooded by a “water coup.”
Sanz explained that, since the beginning of the first Borrasca in early March, they have already registered More than 2,900 incidents in the communitymost in Malaga (757), Cádiz (565) and Seville (520). According to the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet), most of Andalusia will be this Thursday in yellow warning, which will be longer in the provinces of Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva, Málaga and Seville.
For his part, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Ramón Fernández-Pacheco, announced that next week several meetings of the drought committees will be held and, although they are the ones who will make the decision, he predicted that “Clearly” the restrictions to irrigation and supply will be more flexible. In addition, he guaranteed that the Board is already working to evaluate the damage of the rains in the crops.
#Board #prepares #Martinhos #arrival #Andalusia #warns #risk #high