The Ministry of Educational Development of the Junta de Andalucía has ceased the director and head of Studies of the CEIP Menéndez Pidal, in the neighborhood of Torreblanca (Seville), for spreading in a chat of the teacher “disrespectful and vexatious messages” referred to students of students of Gypsy ethnicity. The territorial delegation has also opened a file against three other teachers involved in these facts, which the Ministry itself has referred to the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate whether they constitute a crime of hate.
The case came to light because the Federation of Women’s Associations Fakali received a complaint through your Discrimination Observatoryan online mailbox to report cases of antigitanism, as reported by Elena López, Fakali’s lawyer. The complaint in question warned of the existence of a series of “severely offensive messages aimed at gypsy minors”, expressed in a WhatsApp group of the teaching staff of this educational center, located in one of the most disadvantaged areas of the city.
After verifying the “veracity and severity of the facts,” Fakali met last Friday, February 14 with the Seville Education Delegate, Miguel Ángel Araúz, to transfer the details of the complaint. The delegate “immediately” notified what happened to the Educational Inspection, which carried out a visit to the center to the next school day, as confirmed to this newspaper sources of the Ministry.
In view of the proven facts, Inspection made a report and proposed a series of disciplinary measures for the teachers involved. As a result, disciplinary file was opened to a total of five teachers, among which were the director of the center and the head of studies. The delegation then determined to Cesar the Director and suspend of employment and salary to the head of “precautionary” studies, until his file is resolved. Instead, a new director and head of studies have been appointed, who are already developing the assigned functions. This is indicated by sources from the Andalusian government, that this 28F will award the Andalusian medal of solidarity and concord to the Gypsy people.
Guarantee a “fair and equal treatment” to all students
From Fakali they claim to have taken the case with maximum discretion, limiting themselves to issuing a statement after seeing that the news had transcended local media. In his letter, the Federation of Gypsy Women’s Associations explained that, after verifying that five education professionals had shown a “totally inadmissible” attitude, contacted the Territorial Delegation of Education to make it a participant in the situation and demand a “overwhelming and fast” response.
Fakali thanks the educational administration who has acted “effectively and quickly, ending this situation and taking the appropriate measures against the people involved in the facts”, waiting to know the result of the investigations that are being developed. The Federation has reiterated its commitment to continue collaborating with the teaching staff and administrations to “guarantee a fair and equal treatment to all students”.
The Ministry, on the other hand, emphasizes that the delegation has remained throughout the process in contact with Fakali, which has exercised “link with families”, in order to reassure the educational community. To do this, it has transmitted a message of tranquility to families, insisting that “the situation has ended and we want to serve as an example for situations like this not to happen again.” Fakali has also underlined the need for professors “committed to education and true teaching vocation”, especially when it comes to working with minors in social exclusion areas.
In this context, they remember from Fakali, education is “essential for children to access the necessary tools to improve their future.” “Education must be a space of respect, equality and opportunities for all,” they claim from this entity that works to eradicate discrimination against gypsy citizenship in any field of society, “especially in the educational system, which must be guarantor of inclusion and respect for diversity. ”
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