The winter is expected to be warmer than normal and less rainy, after an autumn that has been the seventh wettest of the 21st century and the twentieth since 1961, according to the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).
It is beginning to be something “classic” in meteorology that the seasons are one after another warmer than normal, said Rubén del Campo, spokesperson for the Agency, who has advanced the most probable scenario during the next three winter months: higher temperatures to normal throughout Spain, especially in the northwest and south of the peninsula and in both archipelagos. “It will be a season in which anticyclones will predominate over storms,” said Del Campo.
Regarding precipitation, the most probable context shows a probability between 40% and 50% of a winter with less rain than usual, although “the uncertainties of the forecast are very high.”
Regarding the autumn season, the spokesperson highlighted that there is a tendency for it to be a “prolongation of summer” and as a curious fact he explained that between 1961 and 2005 only the autumn of 1983 was warmer than the current one, while the last autumn with temperatures below average was that of 2010.
The autumn, however, was wet, with a peninsular average of 236.5 liters per square meter, 118% of the normal value for the quarter in the period 1991-2020.
#AEMET #predicts #winter #warm #dry #seventh #rainiest #autumn #years