Tennis and bets are, for a long time, a bad combination. And very dangerous. Let the Frenchman Arthur Bouquier (24 years old), number 223 in the world, who is playing the Thionville Challenger tournament that is organized in that Gala City.
Bouquier has revealed the spooky threat of death he received before playing last Tuesday the game of thirties against German Florian Broska. This is the private message that they sent through the Instagram social network:
Arthur Bouquier Menacé of Mort Parieur Avant are Match Au Challenger of Thionville Cet Après-Midi …
“J’ai MA MA 2000 euros Sur toi (…) If your forgiveness, Je tracherai, toi ou ta famille juste pour te faire du bad, removed à aller in prison (…) Je you ferai la peau.”
– Quentin Moynet (@quentinmoynet) March 4, 2025
«Hi, Arthur Bouquier, I hope you win today. French tennis is so irrelevant at the moment that French players limit themselves to playing at home so as not to make a fool of abroad. I remind you that when you leave France you don’t do much, which demonstrates the limits of your game. Anyway, you face Florian Broska, who is in 522 position and never wins in the first round. I just hope you make the effort to eliminate it in two sets because I bet 2,000 euros for you to a triumph in two sets … I swear that if you lose I will not forgive you, I will chase you or your family just to hurt you, even if that would end with me in jail. If I lose those 2,000 euros I will stay in the street, so nothing will make sense for me, I could finish my days in prison. I swear for my mother to break you right now. I am on the Thionville court where you play exactly at 15:20. Be careful, these are not empty threats, good luck ».
After reading the text, the Gallic tennis player immediately contacted the Challenger organization: «I immediately notified the tournament, which launched a security system. When I entered the court, I looked at the gallery. I thought about that during the game, I wasn’t calm.
In spite of everything, Bouquier in two sets (6-3 and 6-4). However, the nightmare did not end there. As he has revealed in different Gauls media, he received two new messages from the bettor stating that “his party did not care” and challenging him. «He said: ‘If you are looking for me, I am in the game of (Sascha) Gueymard on the number 1’ court. I communicated it to the tournament again. They looked for him but they didn’t really know how it was. The fact that I said I was in the gallery, that I was dressed in black … all that scared me a little ».
«I have a bodyguard that follows me everywhere. I swear! The French tennis player said. It was a decision of Mr. Boutter (director of the Thionville tournament). You feel safer, but it’s strange. It follows me everywhere! Well, I don’t know if it will also follow me when I just played. Actually, I don’t know. The only thing he told me when I was going in my car is: ‘Now I’m leaving … or not. But in any case, you should know that you can sleep peacefully. ‘ Maybe some colleague of yours (another bodyguard) takes over … it’s crazy!
#Terror #tennis #court #swear #mother #dont #snack