The appearance of the president of the Community of Madrid in the control session to the government has been especially tense. After reproaching the opposition, the 7,291 victims of Madrid residences during the pandemic, this has ended up saying: “They are always criticizing us with the same, they are always taking us with the same shit.” Risto Mejide has shown the video in ‘Everything is a lie’ (four) and, after seeing the images with that cut of the intervention of Isabel Díaz-Ayuso, he said that it was something deplorable, listening to those words, and that is there that hope Aguirre has entered the Quito … The Madrid former president has not hesitated to defend by active and passive by Díaz Ayuso, saying that, for her, it is an honor that compare me with Isabel because I think she has been the best president that the Community of Madrid has had. Regarding that comment they have shown today in the control session, where he verbalized the “same shit,” Aguirre has reproached Risto Mejide not to put the full video, because according to her that was a cut and was edited. “I have it complete on my social networks, which I have shared,” he said. He has ended up sparkling: “Look, Esperanza, who follows you, to understand you.” This refers to what she had said that she had the complete video of Ayuso’s appearance on her platform profile. This has not been the only encounter on February 20 between Esperanza and Risto. The first was on account of Donald Trump. About this, Aguirre has come to say live in ‘Everything is a lie’: «Zelenski dictator, well, for dictator Putin. But I am Trump’s fan ». Mejide has stayed in shock, as is usually the case when she has the former president of the Community of Madrid on set. Upon hearing that, he has ended up telling him: «Trump fan, but just said he lies. You are a fan of someone who lies ». This came for previous considerations of Esperanza Aguirre about the US president, in which he pointed out that he has said things “that are not true, but I do believe that Trump is a great negotiator.” Aguirre has been convinced of the way of acting from the maximum American leader, noting that he «begins negotiations saying that he will do some terrifying things, such as tariffs, so that we think, but I think he does want peace. In the European Union there is no country that wants to send soldiers to kill and die ».
#Tense #encounter #Risto #Mejide #Esperanza #Aguirre #understand