Teleworking has not taken off in Spain after the popularity it acquired in the pandemic. Currently, 15.1% of the employed population in Spain teleworks. This is 1.3% more than in 2023 and 1% compared to 2022, but less than two and a half points than in 2021 (17.6%), as revealed by the survey on equipment and use of ICT in the homes of 2024, which the INE published this Thursday.
By Autonomous Communities, Madrid is the region where teleworking is most common. At least one in four employed people (26.7%) carry out this type of work, followed by Catalonia (21.5%) and, much lower, Andalusia (13.5%). On average, people telework 3 days a week in Spain, a similar amount to the previous two years
Yes indeed, busy people who telework value their experience very positively, with an average of 8.7 points out of 10.
We buy more online
According to the INE, in 2024 the mobile phone was present in 99.5% of households with at least one member aged 16 to 74 years. He landline phoneHowever, only 53.9% of households already have it, 3.6 points less than in 2023 and 24% less than ten years ago (78%).
This survey also analyzes the different uses of technology made by young people and adults in Spain. Regarding the purchases made in the last three months, 55.5% of the population aged 16 to 74 purchased a product in physical format, 0.9 points more than in 2023, but more than double that of ten years ago, 2014, when 27.5% purchased products online of the population.
The most purchased or downloaded products were clothing, shoes or accessories (by 40.6% of the population), tickets for events (26.4%) and deliveries from restaurants, fast food, catering (24.9%).
45.1% of the population between 16 and 74 years old downloaded some product or subscription3.2 points more than in 2023. 23.9% hired some accommodation (2.0 points less than in 2023) and 22.7% transport (2.1 more points).
The INE also asks minors between 10 and 15 years old about their use of new technologies. In this age group, 95.8% of minors used a computer, 2.7 points more than in 2023. And 96.0% surfed the Internet, 1.3 points more. However, mobile use, although it is the majority (69.6%), is 1% lower than in 2023.
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