Telefónica has been awarded for around 10 million euros for public tender for the supply of ICT infrastructure (information and communication technologies) and jobs for classified information projects collected in the Consular Digitization Plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to the State Contracting Portal and collects Europa Press.
The contract, tendered without advertising, is divided into Two lots And the first one, awarded to Teleco by 6.66 million In euros, it has to do with the supply of hardware and ICT software, as well as with the virtualization, security and licenses for classified information projects of the Consular Digitalization Plan.
Meanwhile, the second part of the contract, awarded to Telefónica by 3.45 million eurosis related to the hardware supply for jobs and digitalization equipment for the aforementioned projects.
STC and critical information
In this context, it should be remembered that this Tuesday the spokeswoman to add in Congress, Verónica Martínez, announced the registration of an initiative to prevent the Saudi Stc Teleco (which has 9.97% of Telefónica since September 2023) can access “critical” information of the Spanish company when considering that it is a strategic company for its links, among other issues, with national defense.
Martínez has advanced that it is a non -law proposition that, among other points, aims to strengthen regulation and establish “safeguards” not to share critical information with shareholders potentially in conflict with the interests of the country.
The deputy of the Plurinational Group has made an example of the case of Telefónica and the entry into her shareholding of the Saudi Group, which has 9.97% of the company-5% still in financial derivatives-and which intends to request A seat in the Teleco Board of Directors.
In Martínez, that participation “raises serious doubts about the sovereignty of a company that is essential for Spain.” Therefore, the spokeswoman of the plurinational group sees appropriate to take measures to “shield” key sectors “against financial interests that may compromise the general interest” and strategic sovereignty.
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