Two souls broken at the hands of someone who didn't understand the meaning of the word love: goodbye to Nicoletta and Renèe
The funeral of Nicoletta and Renée, the mother and sister of Desyrèe Amato. Two women who lost their lives at the hands of Christian Sodano, a 27-year-old financier.
Cisterna di Latina clung to the pain of the Amato family, the citizens lowered their shutters and gathered to say goodbye to Nicoletta and Renèe one last time. Well two thousand people were present in the church of Santa Maria Assunta. Desyree is entered in tears, with black glasses and a coat hood on his head. She accompanied the two coffins, still in shock over what happened.
Her ex-boyfriend Christian Sodano entered her house with the service pistol and when her mother and sister stepped in to protect her, he did opened fire. The 22-year-old managed to escape and save herself. The day before her, the boy had sent her threatening messages, but she had believed it was just a way to prevent her from leaving him. She never imagined that she would actually do it.
The words of the parish priest for Nicoletta and Renèe
The parish priest moved everyone with his homilypointing out that once again two lives have been shattered because someone failed to understand the meaning of the word love:

Today we are here, unfortunately, because once again we have not been able to understand what love means. We are here because the name of love has been tarnished with everything that love is not: possession, lack of freedom, control… and even denial of life. But we are here, in this church, above all for another reason: because we want true love to move us. Certainly the love for our Nicoletta and Renèe, who have become sisters and friends not only of the people who have had the gift of knowing them, but of our entire city, which is also greatly affected and wounded. They chose to stand on the side of love and this is a great example for us.

The priest then spoke of the gesture of love of those two women and of the freedom that their souls have now found. Renée will be able to dance free, to the tune of a love song, together with his mother. At the end of the homily, all those present were in tears applauded. Outside the church, many people waited for the end of the funeral service, with banners and words of love for Nicoletta and her youngest daughter. The images spread on the web have moved the whole of Italy.
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