Carme Guil, magistrate: “We must rethink the mantra that the only response to a crime is penalty”
Carme Guil is a magistrate of the Audience of Barcelona and president of the Spanish Section of the European Group ...
Carme Guil is a magistrate of the Audience of Barcelona and president of the Spanish Section of the European Group ...
Correos turns a whole insurance business to keep a single insurer, as ABC advanced. The postal company has signed a ...
While clashes continue in the strategic rubber city between the M-23 Rebel Group, supported by the Rwanda Government, and the ...
Muface is in danger but, despite the multimillion-dollar losses that insurers regret, no one wants it to fall. The CEO ...
BBVA's change in the takeover bid, considered by the market as a mere "technical adjustment", hides a tactical movement that ...
Human beings have a somewhat ambivalent relationship with the mirror: we look at ourselves in its glass surface to recognize ...
It has agreements with several entities and intends to remain exclusively with one A post office efe Mail plans to ...
The resolution of the Muface crisis seems increasingly closer. At least, for now. The Government's economic concession, with a second ...
Colonialone of the two large socimis of the Ibex 35 together with Merlin, has joined the criticism of the agreement ...
ABC FOR UNE A reflection on the interaction between technology (in times of Artificial Intelligence) and society The book 'Nobody ...