Radiotherapy, prostheses and 3D technology: The new era of veterinary medicine arrives with a high cost
Until not long ago, many of the trauma and other diseases of dogs and cats had a sad end and ...
Until not long ago, many of the trauma and other diseases of dogs and cats had a sad end and ...
Researchers of the Children's Medical Research Institute in Sydney (Australia) have resolved a ancient mystery in cancer treatment: why cancer ...
ABC HEALTH FOR RUBER INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL He Ruber International Hospital consolidates itself as a reference in oncology, offering oncological treatments ...
There is a lung cancer that grows furiously, very quickly and very aggressively. It is a small cell (or microcytic) ...
L'hadrontherapyit is an advanced form of radiotherapywhich involves the use of beams of particles, protons and carbon ions (atomic particles, ...