The mice pull their tongue and give ‘first aid’ to their unconscious companions
In emergency situations, people who witness a collapse and carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), intervene because they intuitively understand that ...
In emergency situations, people who witness a collapse and carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), intervene because they intuitively understand that ...
Researchers at the Kumamoto chimpanzee sanctuary in Japan have described for the first time among these primates a phenomenon typical ...
A study with apes living in captivity shows how these animals perform more successfully in difficult exercises if their caregivers ...
A total of 178,816 great apes, 34% of those left in Africa, live in areas near a mine or with ...
I will do and Ellington They were two old males who lived in Kibale National Park, in Uganda. They weren't ...