Students from the University of Navarra chase Minister Grande-Marlaska shouting “faggot” and “corrupt”

Students from the University of Navarra, linked to Opus Dei, have persecuted and insulted the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, shouting “faggot”, “son of a bitch” and “corrupt”. There have been several students who have rebuked the minister upon his departure from the Faculty of Communication, in which he participated in the inauguration of the ‘III Conference Against Terror: the stories behind the stories’.

The young people stood at the entrance of the building waiting for the minister to leave until they realized that Grande-Marlaska was going to leave through the parking area. They have moved there and have begun to insult the minister such as “faggot”, “son of a bitch” and “corrupt”.

The minister’s vehicle, which was accompanied by a National Police van and escorted by agents of this body, quickly left the facilities of the academic center while the students began to sing “Let Txapote vote for you.”

The rector of the University of Navarra, María Iraburu, has indicated in a press release that the center has initiated an investigation to identify the students who rebuked the minister and has condemned the insults, which she described as “contrary to the most elemental respect for the dignity of people.”

The president of Navarra, María Chivite, and other political personalities of the regional community such as Javier Esparza and Cristina Ibarrola, from UPN, and the organizational secretary of the PSN, Ramón Alzórriz, have also joined in the condemnation. From the PSOE, in addition to condemning the “harassment” of Grande-Marlaska, they have asked the national leaders of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and Vox, Santiago Abascal, to do the same and express an “immediate” condemnation of these events. “Today fascism has entered the University of Navarra unceremoniously. The strategy of tension followed by the Popular Party and its far-right partners causes aberrant situations like the one that Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska has experienced today,” the PSOE has noted.

A few months ago the president of Navarra, the socialist María Chivite, was also insulted by students of this university center linked to Opus Dei. On that occasion, it was law students who wrote insults such as “bitch” or “etharra” in the visitors’ book of the Parliament of Navarra, directed at the president of the regional community.

#Students #University #Navarra #chase #Minister #GrandeMarlaska #shouting #faggot #corrupt

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