The speed limit of 30 km/h usually refers to the maximum speed limit allowed for vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, on roads or areas designated as urban or residential areas. This means that drivers must respect a maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour when traveling in these areas by checking their vehicle's speedometer. If you exceed this limit you are subject to a fine.
The maximum speed limit of 30 km/h is identified with a sign with a white background, black writing and a red external circular ring. It is a “prohibition” prescription sign.
The 30 km/h limit is indicated by a sign, a regulatory sign which clearly indicates the speed value above the which is prohibited to circulate (maximum speed limit).

There is also a minimum speed limit of 30 km/h, marked with a sign with a blue background and white writing. This is a prescription signal,”obligation”, which indicates the speed value below which you cannot go. In this case, vehicles that are not able to comply with the requirement are prohibited from passing through.
In Italy, the number of cities where local administrations are adopting the maximum speed limit of 30 km/h in the city, a measure provided for by the Italian highway code, which on paper has the objective of making urban roads safer, more livable and sustainable. The limit of vspeed at 30 km/h is truly a measure to make our cities safer, more livable and sustainable or is it a reduction in the limit adopted by local administrations to make more cash and restore budgets? Let's try to better understand everything that revolves around the 30 km/h limit.
Speed limit from 50 to 30 km/h (Highway Code)
The speed limit on urban roads is foreseen byarticle 142 of the Highway Code on the value of 50 km/h. The art. 142 of the Code precisely states: “For the purposes of traffic safety and the protection of human life, the maximum speed cannot exceed 130 km/h on motorwaysi 110 km/h for main extra-urban roads, 90 km/h for secondary extra-urban roads and local extra-urban roads, and 50 km/h for roads in residential areas, with the possibility of raising this limit up to a maximum of 70 km/h for urban roads whose construction and functional characteristics allow this, subject to the installation of the appropriate signs.“
In some cities this limit of 50 km/h on urban roads is reduced to 30 km/h.
Limit 30 km/h
We talk about it very often today speed limit of 30 km/hn as imposed on the urban roads of some Italian cities by local administrations, with a measure aimed at reducing the number of accidents and improving road safety.
The streets where you can find the sign with the speed limit of 30 km/h can be the following:
- Urban streets upon decision of local administrations;
- Pedestrian zones and school zones;
- Near schools, hospitals, nursing homes or other places frequented by children or vulnerable people;
- Near pedestrian crossings, cycle crossings or bus stops.
- Near intersections or roundabouts.
- Near sections of road with poor visibility.
PRO 30 km/h, who is in favor
As in all things there are always pros and cons. Obviously also for the application of a restrictive measure such as that of speed reduction to 30 km/h There are positive aspects in the city that I will list.
Fewer accidents. According to scientific studies, a reduction in speed from 50 to 30 km/h leads to a 40% decrease in the risk of fatal accidents. And there's no arguing about this.
Reduction of pollution. It is obvious that at lower speeds the pollution produced by a car with an internal combustion engine is reduced and this could be important in the most polluted cities. But we need to consider 2 things. Electric and plug-in hybrid cars do not pollute either at 50 km/h or 70 km/h, not even at 100/130 km/h, obviously traveling in totally electric mode.
To reduce pollution in large cities, a priority should be given to checking the health of the heating boilers in the centralized systems of condominiums, many of which are still fueled by diesel and coal in some more limited cases.
The speed limit of 30 km/h above all promotes sustainable mobility, cycling or walking. And this can help reduce car traffic.
There are groups of citizens who strongly support the 30 ZONES, with a speed limit of 30 km/h, especially in Milan, more active with the “anti-smog parents” in favor of all the advantages of 30 km/h in the city.
Who is AGAINST 30 km/h
Many motorists are expressing disagreement with the recent decision to reduce the speed limit to 30 km/h in the city. This limitation is perceived as a disincentive to car use, with the aim of promoting public transport, considered more sustainable, such as the subway, tram and electric buses.
However, it should be noted that in many cities, especially Rome, there are still numerous diesel-powered buses in circulation, which are known to be very polluting and emit noticeable black smoke during departures from stops (particulate matter). To reduce pollution, it would be appropriate to immediately transform the diesel engines of methane buses, with the prospect of future adaptations to more advanced technologies such as hydrogen already available for these engines.
There are also 3 other factors to consider:
1) Increased travel time – Reducing speed leads to longer travel times on the same stretch of road and therefore greater “congestion” and the possibility of traffic being blocked.
2) Greater distraction driving and therefore greater risk of rear-end collisions or hitting a pedestrian.
3) Road conditions – Reducing the speed to 30 km/h could encourage greater carelessness on the road surface and related maintenance.
One of the comments from a motorist against the 30 km/h in Bologna: “The speed limit of 30 km/h in Bologna is a measure that certainly has benefits in terms of road safety, but which also creates inconvenience for motorists. In a busy city like Bologna, traveling at 30 km/h can be difficult and dangerous. Furthermore, the measure is not accompanied by other measures that promote sustainable mobility, such as the expansion of cycle paths and the promotion of the use of public transport. In this way, the 30 km/h speed limit risks being a simple way to raise money for the municipality.“
30 km/h negative impact on traffic and motorists?
Motorists are rightly reacting negatively to the recent maximum speed limit imposed at 30 km/h in the city, especially in Bologna. Their criticism is based on the perception that this measure constitutes a limitation of personal freedom and an obstacle to mobility, causing an increase in travel times and inconvenience especially for work-related travel.
The widespread perception is that the speed reduction to 30 km/h was adopted mainly by local governments to increase revenue through speeding fines. This perception seems confirmed by public data, especially considering the significant amount of high fines in the days following the entry into force of the limit.
In this regard and in response to the protests raised, the Ministry of Infrastructure has developed a directive to regulate speed limits in urban centers and in particular on the speed limit 30 km/h apply them only in truly “sensitive” areas and for specific reasons.
30 km/h driving license quiz
The 30 km/h limit may also affect some questions in the driving license quizzes, for example
“Should you always keep a speed above 30 km/h?” (FALSE)
→ Speed 30 km/h in Bologna
→ Mandatory and prohibition signs
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