The That reduced its imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in 2024 in 19% and, within it, Spain was one of the countries where more They fell by 28%, although it continued to be one of the main paths of gas entry that came from Russia. Specifically, Together with Belgium and France, it was the destination of 85% of Russian natural gas that arrived at the EU, according to the balance of last year prepared by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA).
According to the monitoring of liquefied natural gas imports (LNG) to the EU that this entity makes, based in London and advocates by accelerating the ecological transition of fossil fuels to renewable energies, imports of The EU fell 19%, at its lowest level since 2021 And Spain is one of the countries in which he did the most, because he cut them by 28%, only surpassed by Belgium (29%). Out of the EU, those of the United Kingdom fell 47%.
Last year, the GLN main supplier to the EU was the United Statesbecause there were almost half of the imports, 46%, which in turn cut 18%, in line with the general tonic.
However, the gas that reached the EU by boat from Russia It also had an important role because it grew between 12 and 18% according to the countries, in purchases that amounted to a total value of 6,300 million, which the IEEFA points out that it is more than double that it traveled by Ukraine and by gas pipeline, in gas pipeline, A road that was definitely closed on the first day of 2025.
France, Spain and Belgium brought the 85 of Russian gas
In this trade, three countries from the 27 EU members received 85% of the Russian LNG that arrived in 2024, France, Spain and Belgiumsays the report, which also points out that, in general, a third of Russian gas sales contracts were from the daily market, “Not subject to long -term contracts”which is the argument that the government Spanish usually gives when asked why operators continue to bring so much Russian gas to the Spanish ports, in the sense that they were operations agreed before Russia attacking Ukraine and the EU had to reduce their gas imports from this country.
The Russian gas that arrives in Spain – and that of any origin, except part of the one from Algeria – reaches seven Regasifying that are in many other ports. According to several newsletters of the public company that owns these infrastructure, Enagásin 2024 Gas arrived from Russia equivalent to 72,360 GWh and represented 21.3% of its total importswhich added 340,470 GWh. This country was only surpassed by Algeria, whose gas by gas pipeline and in liquid form (LNG) represented 38.5% of imports. The United States was the third main origin, with 16.6% of the total gas that reached Spain.
Also according to Enagás, in 2023 Spain imported 397,897 GWh of gas in total, 14.4% more than last year, but one slightly superior amount from Russia72,690 GWh, compared to 2024. Then, the Russian LNG represented 18.3% of Spanish gas imports, but then they were the third main origin, not the second as in 2024, because 29.2% of the Imports arrived from Algeria and 21.1%, from the United States.
#Spain #reduced #gas #imports #France #Belgium #brought #Russia