Simona Ventura, still with half her face paralysed, interrupts the live broadcast on Rai2: “I need rest!”.
Simona Ventura she returned live yesterday morning, 14 April, on Rai2 alongside her friend, Paola Perego, in the program they host together, Citofonare Rai2. In the last episode she presented herself with facial paralysis which affected half her face and unfortunately it seems that things have not changed at all. In fact, despite her difficulties in moving half her face, already noted in the last episode, she decided not to be stopped and to show up for work.
Before the start of the show, she shared a photo from the set on her social media profiles, receiving a wave of support and affection from her many fans, including her partner Giovanni Terzi, who wanted to show all his support in this difficult moment. The man has already asked his Simona to marry him and they will soon get married. Her future husband commented on her post with sweet words, reminding her of his love for her:
I love you more every moment… I will love you for more.
See you next Sunday ♥️ #interfonarerai2 continue with @peregopaola
— Simona Ventura (@Simo_Ventura) April 14, 2024
The co-host, as well as friend of Ventura, Paola Perego he commented on his colleague's decision and behavior, defining her as truly courageous and determined. She noticed her resilience despite her situation paresis, which, although not serious and destined to resolve itself, still put Simona in difficulty. Perego reflected aloud that, probably, many other women in the entertainment world would not have faced the situation with the same courage.
Simona Ventura, in turn, thanked Paola and confirmed what she said, saying that she had given her best and had used a lot of energy, but that from that moment on, she felt the need to take a break moment of rest. She expressed confidence in Paola's abilities, underlining that she is confident that Perego will be able to manage the broadcast magnificently without her presence.
“I did it, I tried, but Paola I feel like retiring. So I know you'll do just fine without me.”
#Paola #can39t #it. #Simona #Ventura #returns #CitofonareRai2 #facial #paralysis #halfway #episode..