The DUC (Single Circulation and Ownership Document) is a document introduced in Italy to simplify the bureaucratic management relating to vehicles. It combines two certificates that were previously separate into a single document.
- The Certificate of Ownership (CdP)issued by the Public Automobile Registry (PRA), which certifies who the owner of the vehicle is.
- The Circulation Cardissued by the Civil Motorization Department, which authorized the vehicle to circulate on the road.
It is operational starting from October 1, 2021as provided for byMinisterial Decree (Infrastructure) signed on 27 September of the same year from the Head of Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility.
With the introduction of the DUC, these two documents have been merged into one, making it easier and more streamlined to manage practices relating to vehicles, such as registration, transfer of ownership, and other administrative operations. This document therefore contains all the information necessary both to identify the owner of the vehicle and to authorize its circulation.
We will then have a single document instead of two. With tangible benefits in terms of simplification and costs. The DUC (not to be confused with DURC, single document for regular contributions). It was foreseen in the Legislative Decree No. 98/2017published on 24 June 2017 in the Official Journal, and which is precisely the single document for cars, motorbikes, trailers and vehicles in general.
The Single Circulation Document replaces the Certificate of Ownership (or CDP), of competence ACIand the Vehicle Registration Bookletproduced instead by Motorization. From this date the telematic procedures released by the Ced (the Data Processing Centre of the General Directorate for Motorisation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility) together with the Aci, provide for the mandatory Single Document. Also from 1 October, the vehicle registration document or the related update coupon and the CDPD (the digital native ownership certificate).
How do you get the DUC? You can request the DUC:
- Online: through the ACI portal or other enabled online services.
- At the ACI offices: by going in person to one of the Automobile Club d’Italia offices.
- At the affiliated driving schools: Some driving schools offer this service.
What information does the DUC contain?
The DUC contains all relevant vehicle information, including:
- Vehicle identification data: License plate, make, model, chassis number, etc.
- Owner’s details: Name, surname, address, etc.
- Vehicle technical data: Power, displacement, fuel type, etc.
- Insurance details: Insurance policy associated with the vehicle.
- Any limitations or constraints: Mortgages, administrative seizures, etc.
What to do if the DUC is lost or stolen?
In case of loss or theft of the DUC, it is necessary to report the fact to the competent authorities and request a duplicate from the ACI.
Transition to DUC
As regards the the transition between the new and old regimeit was predicted that the vehicle registration document and ownership certificate issued before the date of entry into force of the Single Circulation Sheet will be valid until their expiry.
DUC what you save: benefits of the Single Circulation Document
With the introduction of the new Single Circulation Document there are benefits for the bureaucratic part because will reduce production costscontrol and archiving by the administration.
The simplification of the Single Circulation Document consists of with a single certificate simultaneously certifies the owner And the technical data of the vehicle saving on duplication between stamps and repeated information.
For users, together with the simplification of documentation, the benefits will also concern costs with an average saving per car estimated at around 39 euros. Between savings on stamp duty and a reduction in the cost of registration procedures PRAfor example, a registration or a transfer of ownership should have a cost of 61 euroscompared to the current 100.
This novelty of the Single Circulation Document It is part of a review of a series of rules such as those relating to the implementation of the European directive No. 2014/45 which modifies the legislation on car inspections and introduces, among other things, the obligation to report the kilometres travelled on the inspection certificate.
… Theindication in the inspection certificate of the kilometres travelled and inspectors’ access to this information should facilitate the detection of tampering or manipulation of the odometer. …
Single document, but double archive
The certification document becomes unique, we are moving towards simplification but we would also have expected a single archive: however, there will not be a transition towards a single road transport agency in the near future, designed to become the sole interface for all users regarding road bureaucracy.
What happens to Pra and Motorizzazione Civile?
With the introduction of the DUC, the following remain in place: Pra (Public Register of Motor Vehicles) managed by theAci, with skills related to the registration of ownership of a vehicle, and the Civil Motorizationpublic body responsible for technical-administrative control on vehicles circulating in Italy.

Read also:
→ Vehicle registration document, guide to the car registration document
→ All the news on the Highway Code
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