Signaturitprovider of trusted electronic services, has acquired Validated Ida company based in Barcelona specialized in decentralized digital identities. The technology is participated by Caixacapital Risc and Cuatrecasas and invoices about four million euros.
Validated ID star product is Vidwalletthe first Wallet or electronic wallet EBSI compatible (European Blockchain).
“The acquisition of Validated ID represents a fundamental step in our ambition to lead the European digital identity market. By integrating its advanced solutions that comply with EIDAS 2, we are well positioned to provide electronic services of safe, integral trust and compliance with the regulations “He said Sergio RuizPresident of Signatit.
With this operation, Signaturit plans to reach more than 70 million euros of annual recurring income. The company plans to invoice 100 million in the coming years.
This is the Fourth purchase of the technological Since the entry into its capital of Providence Strategic Growth (PSG), a subsidiary of the providence Providence Equity Partners, in 2020. In the last exercises he has incorporated into its universign, Ivnnosys and Vialink perimeter.
#Signaturit #closes #acquisition #Validated #sets #million