Shooting | A growing phenomenon annoys gyms: “I often leave right away”

Filming in gyms is a “clearly increased” phenomenon, says the gym owner. Many HS readers are annoyed by the phenomenon.

The beginning of the year the fitness boom is still going on, and with it many have come across a phenomenon that divides opinions.

Some of the gym goers actually take photos or videos of themselves during the workout. The phenomenon is quite common.

Often, by filming, you want to make sure that the movement runs correctly. Some, on the other hand, tend to follow their own development or publish pictures on social media.

Filming, however, seems to annoy many visitors to the gym. When HS recently asked readers about special phenomena in gyms, filming came up in numerous answers.

Phenomenon in the survey describes, for example, a 40-year-old man who actively goes to gyms in Helsinki and Espoo. The story only uses quotes from respondents whose identity is known to the editor.

According to the man, it is very disturbing that some people film their workouts on their cell phones without asking the permission of fellow exercisers who may be photographed. Based on her experience, young women are especially guilty of this.

“And if you happen to walk across the description, then you will be squeezed and snorted,” the man writes.

Representation is a familiar phenomenon in the gyms of Urheiluhalli, says the person in charge of the physical education instructors and Kallio's hall manager Laura Kuutti.

However, according to him, it is not a big problem and there are only a couple of customer feedbacks on the subject per year. There are eight Urheiluhalli gymnasiums in Helsinki.

“I personally don't see this as a problem, but of course there are customers who don't like being photographed,” Kuutti states.

He believes that the size of the gym affects how disturbing filming is perceived. For example, Kallio's hall is much smaller compared to, say, Töölö.

However, Kuutti has not come across situations where a gym goer would have provably photographed a co-trainer secretly.

In the HS survey a 54-year-old woman from Helsinki also brings up the filming issue. He is haunted by the thought of finding himself in a picture or video posted by someone.

“I often leave immediately if 'those certain social media personalities' are in the gym filming,” the woman writes.

Some of those who answered the survey find it disturbing that equipment is reserved for an unnecessarily long time or parked in front of mirrors due to filming. Some report that they have observed situations that trigger eavesdropping, where the camera is directed more in the direction of the neighbors.

Also CEO of Kuntokeskus Liiku Johanna Riihijärvi recognizes the phenomenon but states that filming has not been a problem in the chain's gyms. Liiku has three gyms in Helsinki and new ones are opening soon.

According to Riihijärvi, filming in gyms has clearly increased and therefore new customers are instructed to always ask permission from everyone visible in the photo.

“A lot of influencers visit the gym and take videos of the movements for social media. I think it's a good thing if they get others inspired like this or give tips about new shops,” says Riihijärvi.

He has also not come to his knowledge of any cases where another person has been deliberately photographed secretly. According to him, in some cases it can be a matter of misunderstandings, because cell phones are used so much in gyms.

“Many people follow a program or write down the number of repetitions and weights. A cell phone is a work tool in the gym and not a negative thing in itself,” he says.

In sports halls according to Laura Kuut, there are strict rules for photography. For example, you may not photograph at all in the changing rooms and washrooms, and only with a special permit in the pool section of the swimming halls.

It is not specifically forbidden to take pictures or use a cell phone on the side of the gym, but you are asked to be considerate of other people there as well.

Kuutti considers the use of a mobile phone to be a bigger problem than filming. According to him, many times the phone is left in the gym to browse, for example, the leg press, and it is not noticed that another visitor would like to come and do it between sets.

Kuutti understands that many watch training programs on their phones, for example, but would still like the main focus to be on training.

“This will certainly be an even bigger challenge in the future. I would say let's go to the gym and work out and not scroll through the phone.”

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