With a small child, Cledy I worked in a ice cream shop for seasons and threw hours cleaning floors. When his second child was born in August 22, there were few voices that told him to say goodbye to any work. “Two? You will have to stay … At home, ”they repeated. But she didn’t believe them. Or maybe a little when they didn’t give him a place in the public nursery. And another little when her husband told him that he was not going very well either.
The couple had arrived from Peru a few years before looking for a better life. Cledy Estrella Flores did not stop dreaming her and she included Mount your own business. But it was just that, a dream, because “there was no option to ask for a loan.”
This inconvenience did not remove that she had her bakeryin his radar the Bilbao premises in which he was going to mount it and inside the mother mass fermenting: «An entrepreneurial woman raised me. My family always had business: transportation, food stores, hardware stores … ». But, at the same time, disappointment pursued her. He looked for subsidies options. He did not find. The more it was a witch online, the more he was scared: “I saw that there was talk of scams and was already afraid.”
Cledy, in his bakery, called Juanita
But just when it seemed that he should give up he ran into Bultz-Lanthe Cáritas Bizkaia entrepreneurship service. “They support women who want to undertake.” They asked him for a project: “I didn’t know how much money I needed,” recalls today Cledy. But for that I was Bultz-lan there. To accompany it, as if it were a business school, as sherpas of entrepreneurship, in takeoff. Recommendations, courses and impulse.
Cledy was only missing the money: “The manager of my Bank of La Caixa managed it.” 3,000 euros. The circle that had opened with Bultz-Lan was closed in some way, because this entity is inside the Project incorporates from La Caixa Foundation, A labor intermediation program that, in addition to helping the labor reintegration of people at risk of exclusion, has the so -called self -employment points that advise in entrepreneurship. Throughout the Basque Country they work with 16 entities, explains Silvia Tejerina, coordinator of the program incorporates in Euskadi. “There is an average of two people per entity, which, in total, are about 30 advisors,” says Tejerina. In its different lines, the program served more than 2,500 people last year.
Like Cledy. With her stern wind plan there were still some pitfalls to save in the long “journey”, as she calls, of entrepreneurship. “The first place I had seen had rodents,” says the baker today. A special process was needed to end them. While analyzing, he just found another “in which he just just closed a bakery.” On March 1, 2023 Bakery Juanita opened its doors. Completed process? It is not so simple. Another career began. “At first I worked from 7 in the morning to 9 at night and had few sales,” he recalls today. The rest, experience and adaptation. Today he knows exactly what their clients are looking for – “Latinos like the salty, to you the sweet” -, it opens until 16.30 and spends the rest of the day with their children. His sister has also come to Bilbao, studies medicine and throws a hand in the store. “We came alone, now we have two boys and two businesses – her husband is also better – and we have bought a floor,” says Cledy. The bakery reminds him of all that they have achieved. By the way, it’s called Juanita. Because? “It is my mother -in -law’s name, she had been a baker in Peru and Just died in the pandemic.”
The name of the store Anabel, Henkoit also has its explanation. “It arose drinking coffee with my sisters, I think it means something like change, turning point in Japanese,” says this entrepreneur. The concept came as a finger ring for the moment it was happening. Anabel Repess had worked for 15 years at Eibar’s English Court. When the center closed, it was unemployed. “I liked the fashion sector a lot and I always had the idea of riding something of mine, but it is difficult to get out of your comfort zone …”, recalls today.
Contacted the entity Zabaltzen Sartualso Adhered to incorporatehe told them that he wanted to mount a women’s clothing store. Like Cledy, he had to design “a viability plan”, he formed in marketing and six months ago, with his own savings – “personal financing”, in business slang – Henko opened. In Elgoibar.
“It was the time, it was the time,” Anabel is said. About to turn 50, it encourages all those brave ones who want to undertake what they are looking for, as she did, accompaniment. “They helped me a lot: to put myself on the way, to organize the work, to look for suppliers, to have clear objectives, not to give banding.” As in the best in MBA.
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