The strength exercises can be the best treatment to combat insomnia from 60 years, according to an investigation by the Mahidol University of Bangkok (Thailand) and published in the magazine Family Medicine and Community Healthas collected Europa Press.
More insomnia over the years
Sleep quality decreases with age, in fact, One in five older adults suffers from insomniaaccording to researchers. Beyond health problems and cognitive impairment, poor sleep quality increases the probability of low work performance and consequent absenteeism.
The investigation resorted to a Analysis of the relevant clinical trial databases published until October 2022, that compare physical exercise with routine activities, habitual attention, other non -physical activity or health education in people with formal insomnia diagnosis, using the global Pittsburgh sleep quality index (GPSQI).
Exercise of force
Among the exercises Some such as aerobics, cycling, dance, swimming, walking at a light pace or gardening were taken into account; as well as others of resistance with weights or balance. In total, more than 2,000 adults of more than 60 years participated, from Asia, North America, South America and Europe. In more than half of the cases, the intensity of the exercise was mild to moderate and moderate, with an average duration of each session of more than 50 minutes and a frequency of between 2 and 3 times per week.
The data concluded that although aerobic activity and combined exercise improved the quality of sleep significantly, The most effective strength and resistance exercises were. Of the comparators, sleep education was the most effective, although what this implied was not clearly defined in the studies included, and it was not yet as good as the exercise of muscle and resistance strengthening that the analysis showed.
The Physical limitations of older people can be a great obstacle to the practice of exercises, Although “exercise, in particular the exercise of strengthening and aerobic exercise, is beneficial to improve the subjective quality of sleep at a clinically significant level compared to normal activities.”
#Scientists #detect #treatment #insomnia #years