Science questions for kids | How to stop traffic jams?

Valtti Tallila, 3

Simply when you think about it, car congestion can be reduced by adding lanes to the streets and reducing the number of cars stopping at crosswalks or at traffic lights.

However, it comes at a price: then the streets take up more space, and you may have to take a long detour to get there, parking spaces may be difficult to find, and crossing the street on foot or by bike becomes impossible.

In the city, you can't add too many lanes to the street before the houses come along, and people don't want to live in the noise of cars.

Even a fast street doesn't stay fast forever. It's nice to drive along the fast street, so even more cars are diverted to it. So the traffic jams are coming back.

Traffic jams arise because a car is the easiest, most comfortable and fastest way to move for many people.

Therefore, the best way to end traffic jams is to build cities where homes, kindergartens, shops and other daily services are so close that you can walk and cycle to them and are easily accessible by train, tram and bus.

A network of lines must also be made between these places, which can be used to move faster than a car.

Buses, trams and trains should also run often enough and on schedule so that people can always be confident of getting there on time and don't always have to look at schedules.

Heikki Liimatainen

professor of traffic and transportation systems

University of Tampere

Otava belongs to the constellation of the Great Bear.

Do all stars belong to a constellation?

Sylvia Kaipomäki, 7

All The stars visible in the sky with the naked eye are located in the Milky Way, i.e. our home galaxy. The Milky Way consists of hundreds of billions of stars, but we can only see the closest and brightest without a telescope.

Constellations consist of stars in the Milky Way that, when viewed from Earth, appear to create a pattern or figure in the sky.

The patterns are given names that describe their figures or outlines. However, most of the stars in the Milky Way do not belong to any constellation.

There may be even more galaxies in the universe than there are stars in the Milky Way. If we could travel to other galaxies, each of them would show a different starry sky.

The positions of the stars in the sky also depend on where in the galaxy the viewer is looking at the stars.

The stars also move within the Milky Way, so the shapes of the constellations
change. Although very slowly.

So not all stars belong to any constellation, but all stars visible to Earth belong to a constellation. The starry sky is divided into 88 regions to make it easier to locate the stars.

The constellations of each region are defined by precise boundaries in the sky. For example, the constellation Otava belongs to the constellation of the Great Bear.

Silja Pohjolainen

docent of astronomy and university teacher

University of Turku

Tyrannosaurus is probably the most famous dinosaur.

Did dinosaurs also have milk and iron teeth?

Emil Santiago, 5

Human milk and iron teeth familiar from the mouth develop only in some mammals. For example, the incisor teeth of rodents grow throughout their life and do not change.

Most vertebrates, such as reptiles and fish, change their teeth several times during their lifetime. For example, a shark can have more than 30,000 individual teeth during its lifetime. It's no wonder that loose shark teeth are the most common vertebrate fossils in the world.

Dinosaurs also changed their teeth throughout their lifetime. For example, in allosaurus, studies have shown that a single tooth has a lifespan of about 3 months. Plant-eating dinosaurs that had a diet that consumed more teeth had an even shorter life span of a single tooth, around 1-2 months.

Because tooth wear was high, especially among herbivores, many dinosaurs developed beaks to replace teeth in those areas of the jaw where teeth were worn out the fastest. So many herbivorous dinosaurs had beaks in addition to teeth, or just beaks.

Modern birds are also toothless, because the beak is lighter and stronger than the toothed jaws.

Perhaps the most unusual known change of teeth in dinosaurs occurred in the Chilesaurus found in South America, which was a predator as a juvenile but a herbivore as an adult. As a cub, Chilesaurus had sharp carnivore teeth, and as an adult, blunter chewing apparatus suitable for herbivory.

Mikko K. Haaramo

vertebrate paleontologist

university of Helsinki

The swimming pool is not a suitable place for fish.

What happens if you bring a fish to the swimming hall?

Nanook Rajala, 7

Swimming Hall is not a suitable environment for a fish, and it would not do well in a swimming pool. If the fish was not rescued in time, it would starve to death in the pool. The fish wouldn't feel comfortable in the swimming hall either.

The water in the swimming pools is cleaned so that the swimmers can swim in the cleanest possible water. Therefore, the water is filtered and small amounts of chlorine are added to prevent the growth of bacteria. However, there is so little chlorine that it does not threaten the life of the fish.

Cleaning, however, means that there is no food for the fish in the pool, i.e. there are no edible things, such as plants or small organisms. So it would starve there.

The fish would also probably get bored because many fish live in schools. Being alone in an environment without other fish could be such a shock to them, so it would be uncomfortable.

I know of no cases where fish were brought into swimming pools.

Instead, fish sometimes end up in land swimming pools under the open sky on the way of birds that prey on them. Typically, however, these fish are already dead before they reach the swimming pool. So they are cleaned out with the garbage.

No Holmala

Branch manager

Urheiluhallit oy

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