Schoolchildren from Andalusia, Galicia, Murcia and the Valencian Community, awarded for works on copyright

A total of 17 students from Andalusia, the Valencian Community, Galicia and Murcia have been awarded this Thursday by CEDRO (Spanish Center for Reprographic Rights) in the XVII edition of ‘It’s from the book’ for their copyright investigations.

From among the almost 200 investigations presented in this edition, a jury made up of experts from the educational and cultural sector selected the best six. Thus, the winners have met this Thursday at the National Library of Spain to collect their awards, accompanied by their teachers and the directors of the awarded IES and schools.

In the category of the first cycle of ESO, due to the social theme of one of the science works, exceptionally, the jury has decided to award two prizes in the Science category in this first cycle. Therefore, in Sciences, the work ‘Smart stick prototype’ from the IES Castillo de Cote (Montellano, Seville) has shared the prize together with the research from the San José Plurilingual School (Ourense), ‘Study of the toxicity of insecticides and production of ecological repellents from plants that repel insects’.

In the category of the second cycle of ESO, in Humanities, the project ‘The library of Alexandria: bridge of books between past and future’ of the IES Francisco Salzillo (Alcantarilla, Murcia) has won one of the prizes. On the other hand, in Sciences, ‘Agujeros negros. Fascination by the abyss’ of the Colegio Salesianos María Auxiliadora de Algeciras (Cádiz) has also been one of the winners.

In the category of Baccalaureate and Intermediate Training Cycles, in Humanities, she has won ‘Women against inequality’ from the IES Saavedra Fajardo (Murcia); and in Sciences ‘HPV: The most common and least known sexually transmitted disease’ from IES Enric Valor (Silla, Valencia).

‘Tablet’ and gift voucher

The students and teachers of the winning works will each be awarded a digital tablet, as well as gift vouchers for the purchase of books worth 60 euros, in the case of students; 100 euros, in the case of teachers; and 300 euros, for schools.

Lastly, the president of CEDRO, Daniel Fernández, highlighted the role of ‘Es de libro’ in promoting good practices in the digital environment: «We live in times when technology changes everything and it has contributed to promoting practices that can violate the rights of authors and publishers, but we can walk hand in hand with technology. That is the purpose of Es de libro, which carries in its own DNA to work with students on their digital skills, along with technology, so that they are respectful of intellectual property”, he stated.

The jury of this XVII edition has been formed by the writers Ramón Acín and Juan Kruz Igerabide; Professor Margarita Prado; the vice president of CEDRO, writer and academic, Carme Riera; the philosopher Javier Sádaba; the economist and professor, Ramón Tamames; and the president of CEDRO, Daniel Fernández.

#Schoolchildren #Andalusia #Galicia #Murcia #Valencian #Community #awarded #works #copyright


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