valencia CF
If there is a Valencian fan who is critical of what is happening to the Ché club, it is him. It has something for everyone: Juan Soler, Amadeo Salvo, Lim, Lay Hoon, Anil Murthy, Baraja… Pure dynamite
Valencia goalkeeper between 1998 and 2008, Santi Cañizares (December 18, 1969, Puertollano) is one of the most respected voices when it comes to talking about his former team. He does it, as always, without mincing words. He has a lot to tell.
-That …
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#Santi #Cañizares #management #Valencia #years #regrettable #Soler #useless #son #rich #man #Amadeo #populist #Lim #smart.. #turns #son #bitch