The artistic director of the Sanremo Festival answered some questions from journalists
The controversy over John Travolta's participation in the 74th edition of the Sanremo Festival. On the occasion of the last press conference of the singing event, the artistic director Amadeus has revealed further background on this story which has been making most of the main newspapers chatter for days. Let's find out together what his words were.
Amadeus answered journalists' questions at the press conference on the fifth and final evening of the 74th edition of Sanremo Festival. The envoy of Strip the News 'Pinuccio' asked the artistic director some questions regarding the affair linked to John Travolta. These were Amadeus' words when asked by Striscia's correspondent about how the contacts and negotiations with the actor took place:
I wanted to highlight the music above all and I didn't bring any major international guests and the only two evenings for me were Wednesday and Thursday. I had already contacted Russell Crowe personally and missed Wednesday. When they offered me John Travolta, I said no and I admit it, because I didn't have empty evenings because at the beginning it was offered to me on Saturday.

And, continuing with his speech, Amadeus he then added:
I was answered through those who represent him: 'you choose the evening'. Seeing the availability and the expense reimbursement cost, I said: 'the only evening is Wednesday'. This was the only negotiation made by me on the artistic side. Everything else, about the contract etc., doesn't concern me and I didn't deal with it.

These instead are the statements of Marcello Ciannamea regarding the affair involving John Travolta regarding 'hidden' advertising:
Contractually everything was clear and clear. Following the contacts that took place with the agent and the company representing John Travolta, Rai closed this contract with a reimbursement of expenses, we do not reveal anyone's compensation for confidentiality reasons, in any case it was a low reimbursement . There was no reference to any sponsor. Based on these possible critical issues, Rai wants to take precautions to investigate, understand and evaluate the possible damage that Rai itself may have suffered.
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