The president of RTVE, José Pablo López, announced on Thursday that the UEFA and the Public Corporation have reached an agreement for the issuance of the Euro 2028 male. As ABC has learned from internal sources, The cost of the agreement would be … of about 60 million euros for the 20 games of the Spanish team in cycle 2026 and 2028where friendly, UEFA Nation League and the qualifiers are included, in addition to 20 other parties of other selections. Of those 60 million, 40 correspond to the European Championship, whose cost would be shared with Mediapro, which would contribute between 17 or 18 million.
«In this same agreement we have acquired the broadcast rights of the Spanish male soccer team between 2026 to 2028, which includes UEFA Nation League matches, the classification for Eurocup 2028 and another 20 games of the European national teams ”López said in his first appearance before the Mixed Commission (Congress-sensed) of parliamentary control of the RTVE Corporation and its societies, in an extraordinary session in the lower house.
As sources explain to ABC, TVE would keep the selection matches in the Eurocup and could choose to broadcast three of the quarterfinals matches, while Mediapro saves the option of selling their rights to other platforms.
Changes in teleport
José Pablo López, in his appearance on Thursday, has also announced the changes placed by the direction of the Corporation on the Teledport channel. “We will undertake a new stage of renewal that seeks to give relevance to its sports offer,” he said, and then add that the channel has to “grow with efficient control of your costs and also with the configuration of a new programming that is not only recognizable by sporting events, but by a structural offer of own production ».
To do this, José Pablo López has announced that RTVE will “immediately restructure production in Torrespaña and Sant Cugat, with new informative spaces and live debate.”
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