RTVE considers an “undue interference” the demand for ayuso that a video is issued before the documentary ‘7291’

The RTVE Corporation has responded to the Community of Madrid about the petition of the Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso that tonight, before at 23.10 hours the documentary ‘7291’ on deaths in residences during the pandemic is issued in La2 and the 24 -hour channel. Manifest the success of the management of the Community of Madrid and the negligence of the central government during the Covid-19 crisis ”. RTVE, through the mouth of Alfonso María Morales, secretary of the Board of Directors, responds to Miguel Ángel García, Minister of the Presidency of Ayuso, and tells him the following: “The requirement of issuing certain content, as requests from his government, constitutes an undue intrusion in the autonomy of the corporation and could mean an instrumental use of the medium for purposes outside its public service function”.

RTVE also points out that Ayuso’s request “could be understood as an attempt to avoid the direct questions that RTVE’s professionals can ask their government.” “The issuance of a pre -recorded video cannot replace the questions of the journalists,” adds the note.

The Corporation also recalls in its statement that “the institutional declaration made yesterday by the president of the Community of Madrid was issued live by the 24H Channel of RTVE” and which was collected in its informative spaces. “Therefore, RTVE has not stolen the point of view of his government in relation to the management of Madrid residences during the pandemic,” they say.

Invitation to participate

RTVE also reiterates the invitation that was taken on March 6, so that Díaz Ayuso intervened in the special program The pandemia that changed the world, which will be issued this night in the 2 and the 24h channel: “We put at your disposal all the technical means necessary so that you can participate in the case that it is not in the Community of Madrid (as indicated) or cannot move to our studies in Torrespaña.” Sources from the Community of Madrid that have contacted eldiario.es “deny” that said invitation will be seized.

In addition, the corporation recalls that RTVE is “a public, but non -governmental means of communication, so it must preserve its editorial independence.” The Special 24 Hours Channel Program that will precede the issuance of the documentary will have journalists such as Javier Casquerio, Manuel Rico, Lucía Méndez or Paloma Esteban, but also with the voices of those who were then occupying the command post such as the former government president of the Government, Carmen Calvo. He will also interview the current Minister of Health, Mónica García, and the Secretary General of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano.

Full document with RTVE’s response:

#RTVE #considers #undue #interference #demand #ayuso #video #issued #documentary

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