After BolognaAlso Rome will introduce the speed limit of 30 km/hbut unlike the Emilian capital, the Municipality will apply the new limit only on secondary roads. The objective, as explained by Mayor Gualtieri, is to gradually extend the limit to 30 km/h per hour 70% of Roman roads.
Here are some of the areas already affected by the 30 km/h limit:
- Old Town: Ansa Barocca (via Giulia, piazza della Moretta, via del Governo Vecchio, Portico d'Ottavio, San Salvatore in Lauro area, pedestrian crossing of Ponte Sant'Angelo)
- Aventine/Deciane Baths
- Casal Bertone
- Ostia Antica
- Quadraro Vecchio
- Largo Millesimo
- Casal Monastero/viale Ratto delle Sabine
Furthermore, interventions are planned to extend the limit to 30 km/h in other areas, including:
- Trastevere
- Balduina
- Aniene Hills
- Split Tower
- Tor Pignattara
- Villa Certosa
- Pigneto
Rome speed limit at 30 km/h, where
In Rome, they will be created approximately 70 “Zone 30” throughout the city, extending from the historic center to the suburbs beyond the ring road. These are areas where the speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour will be enforced, with the aim of encouraging the peaceful coexistence of pedestrians, cyclists and cars in redeveloped spaces and greener. In Rome the Municipality deems the idea of a 30 km/h speed limit on major routes impracticablewhile activating the limit on secondary roads is considered an achievable goal.
The Zone 30 implementation project in Rome is progressing area by area, with targeted interventions for the redevelopment of critical points of the city that require not only aesthetic interventions. The official presentation of the project took place during the inauguration of Zona 30 a Casal Monastero, a neighborhood in the northeast quadrant outside the Grande Raccordo Anulare. The event was attended by the mayor Roberto Gualtierithe Mobility Councilor Eugenio Patanè and the president of the IV Municipality Massimiliano Umberti.
Zone 30 km/h Casal Monastero in Rome
Zone 30 was established in via Ratto delle Sabinethe central road axis of Casal Monastero, which was subject to retraining. The central part of the street, previously used as a car park in front of a school and a church, has been transformed into a lawn area with benches and meeting spaces. Furthermore, the new signage vertical and horizontal indicating the speed limit at 30 km/h.

30 km/h zones Rome
In addition to that of Casal Monastero, the Municipality of Rome has already created pedestrian and/or environmental islands with the concept of “City at 30 Km/h” in various areas, including Aventino/Terme Deciane, Casal Bertone, Ostia Antica, Quadraro Vecchio, largo Millesimo and Casal Monastero/viale Ratto delle Sabine.

Currently, the environmental islands under study are Navona, Ansa Barocca, Pantheon, Portico d'Ottavia, Trevi Quirinale and Tridente. Added to these are other areas in the planning phase, including Trastevere, Balduina, Colli Aniene, Torre Spaccata, Tor Pignattara, Villa Certosa and Pigneto.
Read also:
→ Bologna speed limit of 30 km/h
→ Speed limit 30 km/h, maximum and minimum
→ Read other related topics
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