The service of Rodalies and the southern regions of the country work aquest dimarts amb normality after the tall pels effects of the plugs with the exception of a tram on the R15 and on the other side of the R17. Here, the service is normal to l’R1, l’R2, l’R3, l’R4 and l’R8, as well as l’R11, l’R12 and l’RG1.
As for the southern regions, it has served the R13 between Lleida and Barcelona, the R14 from Tarragona to La Plana and the R16 from Tarragona to Barcelona. At R15, it works between Reus and Barcelona, but it does not work between Mora and Casp. The R17 also does not serve between Tarragona and Salou PortAventura. In these trams, checks will continue during the morning and if there are no effects, the service will be recovered.
Renfe has alerted that it is possible to produce some derived time alteration of the repositioning of driving personnel and materials. On the other hand, the bus service The Roda de Berà establishment operates during the usual hours.
On the other hand, the service of the lines R6 and R60 of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) is interrupted between Sant Esteve Sesrovires i Igualada for an esllavissada. An alternative road service has been established to cover this tram.
carved reels
The effects of the plugs that these dilluns van caure in a good part of Catalonia maintain some roads affected here dimarts. Here, the road is cut in front of the N-340 to the Ràpida due to flooding and the Catalan Transit Service (SCT) reports that the alternative route is the TV-3408. TV-3453 in Deltebre is also kept carved. Lastly, l’A-27 to Vallswhich is sometimes affected by esllavissades, just one open lane in each direction of traffic.
#Restored #good #part #circulation #Rodalies #regional #del #sud #storm