After her breakdown in the Tagesschau live broadcast, reporter Hanna Resch talks about her blackout. Her employer comments on her future.
Munich – Reporter Hanna Resch receives a lot of support after her blackout during a live broadcast on the Tagesschau. Upon request from IPPEN.MEDIA There are now attempts to explain the breakdown in the Tagesschau. However, there is no specific reason for the blackout.
Resch made several mistakes during the broadcast and described the Israeli government as right-wing radical – shortly afterwards the broadcast was canceled by moderator Jens Riewa.
Blackout at the ARD Tagesschau: Long shoots and intensive research as the reason for the dropout
“Long shoots, intensive research, a lot of things could explain my failure – but in the end I just lost the thread,” admits Resch. The BR reporter was all the more pleased with the reaction of her colleagues and also the response from the viewers. She is “grateful when her colleagues in the studio and the team welcome you and support you.” She speaks of positive encouragement from many quarters and is “relieved that you can also be human in front of the camera.” Judith Rakers also had a Tagesschau breakdown – but it was kept secret.
No consequences for Resch after Tagesschau blackout: reporter continues to work for ARD in Israel
Despite the Tagesschau blackout, nothing will change in the work of BR employee Resch, as reported by Bayerischer Rundfunk IPPEN.MEDIA-Query clarified. Resch receives the “fullest collegial support” and will continue to support them even after the breakdown ARD-“Tagesschau” reports from Tel Aviv. As early as January 1, 2024, Resch could be seen live again on Tagesthemen. The 8 p.m. news goes live when there are outstanding news situations, and Resch will continue to be seen here too, the BR continued.
Jens Riewa also got into a skid on the “Tagesschau” due to a technical glitch. Now the ARD is speaking out and describing how this could have happened. (cgsc)
#Reporter #explains #ARD #dropout #lost #thread