The ticket season It is much more prolific than the darrers anys, llastrades per la sequera and la manca de pluges during the late period. Probably, many years ago look for the forest or never buy from the market or from the botigues. A drink home, however, I might not have had much of an idea of how to transform them into a plat mengívol, other than sautéing them into a paella or coure’ls a la cassola.
Per això, we propose If you have original, different or customary recipes than other more traditional ones, such as the rovellons with all i julivert, the camagrocs truita or the fredolics soup. Both fresh balls, but we can also use canned, dried and dehydrated. Use some of the most common, consumables and precautions: rovellons, llenegues, ceps and múrgoles.
Porcini carpaccio
els carpaccio some things from the passat, but it’s safe to say that in many cases they face they haven’t dared to do anything, and menys both balls. We can try various types, but the most indicative is the cepthanks to its powerful flavor and especially to the fermented seva that allows it to be laminated without complications. They are made with fairly fine sizes with a ganivet, or preferably accompanied by a mandolin so that the sheets remain homogeneous.
A cup tinguem això, the essential thing will be a good raig d’oli d’olive verge extra, pebre negro finish of moldre and salt in scales. And from here we can play the one we like the most. Pinyons torrats or crus, or a vinaigrette or oli of pinyons, are exceptionally good. We can also add formats of parmesan, grana padano or a curat, foie, llimona, mostassa or aromatics with farigola and romaní. Or everything you go to.
Porcini and chestnut cream
A recipe to warm up, also based on porcini mushrooms, is one of those creams that people like as soon as the temperatures drop, and that cannot be any longer than this one. It is made from a cream of wild mushrooms and chestnuts. We can begin by offering a ceba or a joint with bites with a new mantega and a mica d’oli. Afterwards there are 2 fresh ceps plus aviat grossos, or 3 if they are more mitjans, more nets and tallers a dauets. (Also we can use dehydrated mushrooms before hydrating them, about 25 grams, which in the end we can use to profit the water).
When you choose cuits, add 200 g of raw chestnuts and add 750 ml of vegetable or chicken broth. We can also add a small potato, or add two small ones. Bullim for 10 minutes, until the chestnuts and potatoes are completely dry, and grind as finely as puguem. Finish by texturizing to taste a mica more of mantega, brou, llet or cream, and posem with the point of salt and pebre. We can finish with some daus of ceps and/or chestnut trossets garapinyats or in almívar, for example. In tindrem you eat 2 or 3 servings.
Murgoles farcides with cream of tophons
If I thought about calling tickets, many of the llenegues would come to the cap Murgols. They are also thanks to their particular texture, their viscosity, but also thanks to the fact that we can give them what they most like. It is very common to eat foie gras, but on this occasion we propose to share them with tophon creamthrough d’This recipe from the Via Veneto restaurant in Barcelona, which will share the program Cuines from TV3.
The text shows that we complete a pastissera màniga with a farcit of vedella and/or pollostre (or the one who ins vingui de gust), with which we will collect 16 múrgoles that previously had rented with water. After sautéing in mantega and a root of olive oil, finely chopped escalunyes and 50 g of tòfona in the mantega, and when it is stigui, cuit and integrate the mushrooms. Flamegem with a glass of brandy or conyac, salpebrem and, when it has reduced, afegim mig liter of custard and mig of meat brou. You must cover the mushrooms, which will let them simmer at low heat for 35 minutes.
Trout of llenegues and vermella shrimp
It may seem eccentric, but this combination is truly delightful. Them black fills donate a texture and a spectacular taste to this one open truitaand reach perfection vermelles prawnsso we don’t want to abuse it to avoid having more protagonists. In this recipe I would also like a perfect mica de cansalada chopped into dauets, or a spread botifarra.
The first thing to do is to peel 4 or 5 vermelles prawns, clean them and reserve them. In a paella, aromatitzem a bon raig d’oli with the caps. Després hi afegim les llenegues negroes, un parell de bons grapats, netejades and carvings a trosses also molt petits. Let’s skip a mica because ins deixin el suc. Xafem the caps of the gambes so we define the essence and retire them, and reserve the tickets. Batem uns sis o vuit ous, hi afegim les llenegues i les gambes vermelles carved a trossets. We have a point of salt and pebre, if we volem with aromas, and we can already fer the open truita, or if we volem the deixem tancada.
Pasta or nyoquis with bolets
On this occasion, more than a recipe, we suggest an infallible combination: pasta with bolets. It is a mixture that will seem obvious to some, but that many have not discovered. What we will assume will be an abans and a després, mas enllà de fer uns spaghetti amb four xampinyons laminats. Here we can opt for several variants, both long or short pasta (preferably processed with bronze, they will adhere better and better to the flavours), here with fresh farcida pasta. I also can help each other potato nyoquisin terms of pasta.
Some of the most popular bulletins are the materials porcinicommon in Italy, but also rossinyols, camagrocs, múrgoles, moixernons, trompetes de la mort o fins i tot llenegues. The thickest ones will be loaded previously. A cop cuits, we will jump with the pasta cuita to the cassola. But we can also choose to add creams or sauces from the bolet that we prefer, or a mixture, added with a layer of cream or milk. Outside, you can also make fresh pasta made from bolets, picats and finets. It should be noted that the combination with meat is also very useful. And every time I finish with a black phone, we do a good favor to the platform.
Coca de recapte amb rovellons and botifarra
I ended up with a recipe that may have some connections, but probably hasn’t been completed yet. It is tracta d’una coca de recapte amb escalivada, on afegirem rovellons Yo botifarra. As you know, the portion and the balls are a combination that usually works, whether it’s a coca, pizza, truita or straight to the plate. You could finish it with a mica from there and Julivert.
The coke is mixed with 500 g of dough, 25 g of premsat and a pinch of salt. Fem un volcà i hi posem un rovell d’ou al center i un raig d’aigua, i ho anem meclant tot. Let the homogeneous mass rest for a few minutes, embolicated with a drape, and then take the shape of the forn’s edge, with the aid of a corró and a glass of olive oil. Hi we have fattening, pebrot and albergínia escalivats, a botifarra spread on trossets and a good grapat of rovellons nets and tallers. Cook for 15-20 minutes at 220 degrees or until it is completely warm.
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