Reader's Opinion | It is also good to see the human side of the presidential candidates

Once elected president, the current playboy candidate turns serious.

Euronews supplier David MacDougall complained in Helsingin Sanomat (14.1.), that the media has covered the presidential candidates too lightly. In his opinion, critical examination would have been overshadowed by “cooking and favorite songs”. He reminds us that we are not choosing a chef or an athlete.

Many of my enlightened Facebook friends have indicated that they agree.

Allow us to disagree here. Yes, the overwhelming majority of the media's election stories focus on the presidents' statements and views on matters of substance, foreign and security policy, but also values.

Of course, one can wonder what values ​​have to do with the duties of the president. The importance of values ​​seems to be emphasized especially by those who are currently in the position of challenger in the presidential race. I think that's acceptable too.

I also understand that the candidates are asked about a solution to the labor market problem or poverty, even though these are not the duties of the president according to the constitution.

I'm not upset that the presidential candidates talked about a song that is meaningful to them. Nor that Harry Harkimo jump into an opening or Pekka Haavisto speaks warmly of his spouse About Antonio Flores or Jutta Urpilainen says that he is reading a Moomin book with his child.

A foreign journalist may be surprised that in Finland the president is elected by popular vote and that the people can be interested in the candidates in addition to their views on NATO or Russia, but also their more human aspects. Some even vote based on their feelings for who they think best represents their own values, to be like-minded. Regardless of the familiar stories or the songs of my life, the people have always voted for a good president for Finland.

When there are very few differences in the views of the candidates on foreign and security policy, everyone is mainstream. Differences may arise in other matters. If these more human aspects interest some (and they certainly do, otherwise these things wouldn't be done) and help the voter by increasing interest in politics, so be it.

Once elected president, the current playboy candidate turns serious. May that comfort MacDougal, too.

Erik Rissanen


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