Reader’s opinion|Obtaining hormones through unsafe means should not be an alternative to trans treatment.
Setan The competence center for gender diversity meets hundreds of trans youth every year. A worrisome feature has been noticed in customer work that may put the health of trans youth at risk.
In our services, we meet trans youths and adults of different ages who have bought hormone therapy drugs in the dark on the internet to ease their body dysphoria.
Young people start self-medication in situations where the research phase at the transpoliclinic takes several years, the criteria for applying for and accessing treatment are too strict, or because the young person has severe dysphoria and knows that he can get relief from it with self-medication up to 3–5 years faster than the official route.
Self-medication starting can have several risks. Illegal hormone preparations bought from abroad may contain dangerous substances, such as heavy metals, even if they resemble genuine medicine packages. Hormone therapy requires the correct administration method and amount in order for it to work as desired. Manufacturers of counterfeit medicines do not always have a motive to offer pure medicine or to instruct the correct way of use.
Young people are resourceful in many ways, and some of the underage trans youth have come up with a solution to the gender conflict they experience.
There can be several risks in starting self-medication.
It is also possible to obtain medication legally from foreign clinics, but this requires parental support and financial resources, which not all young people have. There is some international research on self-medication, but the phenomenon has grown in Finland.
Self-medication with self-acquired preparations is an indication of the failure of the treatment system. In a country like Finland, obtaining hormones through unsafe means should not be an option, but the availability of treatments must be improved and young people’s confidence that the health services understand their treatment needs must be ensured. In Finland, more resources are needed for agencies treating gender dysphoria.
Young people it would help to take Finnish gender dysphoria treatment in a direction where international treatment recommendations and proven treatment practices would also be introduced. In this case, the treatment would be based on the latest information and would be up-to-date, appropriate and supportive of the well-being of young people. The target group, i.e. trans children and young people and their families, must be involved in this work.
Maarit Huuska
master of social sciences, sociologist, leading social worker
Sari Hälinen
master of social sciences, social worker (amk), sex educator (SSS), family work planner
Expertise center for gender diversity
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