Reader’s Opinion | Biological creativity is unique and possible only for a woman

I have experienced the greatest miracle of life: the growth of new life in my own body.

Author Anni Kytömäki stated in an interview with Helsingin Sanomat (1.9.)that “reproduction is very unequal”. I think it’s good that people think about what is important to them. I hope that everyone has the opportunity to realize their own values.

I want to tell you that I also think human reproduction is unequal. Only a woman has the opportunity to physically experience the growth and birth of a new life. As a mother of three children, I have experienced nausea during pregnancy and pain during childbirth.

Above all, I have experienced the greatest miracle of life: the growth of new life in my own body. It has been a deep happiness to feel the movements of my children, to see their growth very concretely through the change of my own body. I have been able to give my body as a place for unique people to grow and give birth to them in this world to live their own lives. I have been able to feed them with my own body and see their growth and development. I have been able to watch them grow into independent adults, whose mother I am still. I feel humble gratitude that I have been able to live a life according to my own values.

No other area of ​​life has given me similar happiness. I am a docent and specialist doctor. Of course, I have studied and worked hard, but there is nothing unique about my titles or my working life.

The most unique thing in my life has been to experience the biological creativity that is only possible for a woman.

Aino Ruohola


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