The average price of electricity in the wholesale market will rise this Sunday by 2.27% to reach 136.15 euros per megawatt hour (MWh) compared to 133.12 euros today. With this, it will exceed 100 euros per MWh for the fifth consecutive day.
According to the latest data from the Iberian Electricity Market Operator (OMIE) collected by Servimedia, Today’s 136.15 euros per MWh represents an increase of 152.5% compared to Sunday’s 53.93 euros last week and an increase of 7.04% over the 127.2 euros of a month ago, on November 29.
What time is cheapest?
Between 1 and 3 p.m. The light will mark its lowest price of the day, at 108.88 euros.
What time is most expensive?
The most expensive time and, consequently, the least advisable for electricity consumption in homes It will be registered between 8 and 10 p.m., with 162 euros.
#Price #electricity #today #December #hour #cheapest #expensive